Learn to write better Ruby and Rails applications from expert Rubyists


Podcast 01

Refactoring to Five Lines of Code with Christian Clausen - RUBY 502

Jun 16, 2021 · Episode 502
Christian Clausen is the author of the book Five Lines of Code in the Manning Early Access Program. He advocates for a rule based refactoring system. One of the rules he uses is refactoring your methods to be five lines of code. Listen in to hear him explain why five lines of code matters and how to get there.
Podcast 01

Can Active Storage Serve Images for the Modern Web? by Mark Hutter - RUBY 501

Jun 09, 2021 · Episode 501
Dave Kimura and Luke Stutters talk with Mark Hutter about Active Storage and his experience building a large image driven application. We talk about some of the issues and workarounds when implementing Active Storage.
Podcast 01

The 3 Essentials for Successful Job Outcomes - BONUS

Jun 04, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Chuck dives into the 3 essentials for getting the next successful outcome you want in your career. Whether that's something simple like a raise or something more complex like going freelance, you can achieve it by working on 3 main areas.
Podcast 01

Episode 500 - RUBY 500

Jun 02, 2021 · Episode 500
Chuck, Luke, and Dave are joined by Eric Berry for a roundtable chat and celebration of 500 episodes and 10 years of Ruby Rogues. They start out discussing where each of them are at these days. Then talk about their favorite episodes of the show. They talk about what they see for the future of Ruby and then discuss the future of the show and where they go from here.
Podcast 01

How to Get Hired at a FANG Company - BONUS

May 28, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Chuck explains what he taught Nathan last week when we asked how to get hired at a FANG (Facebook Apple/Amazon Netflix Google) company. Essentially, it boils down to how to build the skills and knowledge needed to pass the interview. How to build the relationships to get into the door and have the interviewer want you to succeed. And how to build the reputation that has the company wanting you regardless of the outcome.
Podcast 01

Upgrading from Sprockets to Webpacker with Ariel Juodziukynas - RUBY 499

May 26, 2021 · Episode 499
Ariel Juodziukynas joins the Rogues to talk about how to upgrade your Ruby on Rails application from Sprockets to Webpacker. Sprockets was introduced in Rails 3.1 to help you manage your static assets including JavaScript. Webpack came along to help manage JavaScript and eventually other assets later on and was adopted into Rails in version 5 and is now the preferred way to manage JavaScript assets in Ruby on Rails applications. Ariel has written a guide on how to move from Sprockets to Webpacker and discussed with the Rogues the pros, cons, and pitfalls of such a move in your applications.
Podcast 01

Developing your development - RUBY 498

May 19, 2021 · Episode 498
Mason McLead from software.com shows us the editor-integrated suite of tools that help you become a better developer. We find out what music makes you code better (and worse), how data reveals the habits of the world's top coders and why Saturday is code day.
Podcast 01

Building a UDP Server with Ruby Ractors with Claus Lensbøl - RUBY 497

May 12, 2021 · Episode 497
Claus Lensbøl is a Danish Devops engineer who built a UDP server using Ractors--a new feature in Ruby 3.0. Ractors is a method of getting concurrency in Ruby. It's what threads should have been to give us the ability to use multiple cores with one Ruby program without forking into multiple processes.
Podcast 01

Becoming the Go-To Person in Your Technology Area - BONUS

May 07, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Chuck was on a strategic call with one of his potential coaching clients talking about cryptocurrencies and realized that this is one of the major reasons that people want to become influencers. Or, rather, that many people aspire to make a difference and/or make money and the best way to do that is to become the person people go to for what you do.
Podcast 01

Why Write Rails View Tests with Nikola Đuza - RUBY 496

May 05, 2021 · Episode 496
We test our Rails Controllers, Models, Helpers, and Services. But, why don't we test our views? Nikola Đuza has started testing his and explains how he does it and what he's learned about the process. He also explains what confidence it's added for him when writing his Rails code.
Podcast 01

Don't Let These Things Keep You From Podcasting - BONUS

Apr 29, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Charles talks about the things that get developers stuck when they're trying to start their podcast or other influencer channel. He explains how to get around having those things hamper your journey.
Podcast 01

Reflecting on Stimulus with Julian Rubisch - RUBY 495

Apr 28, 2021 · Episode 495
We talk with Julian about a few projects, including Stimulus, Stimulus Reflex, and SPAs and how they fit into our modern tech stacks.
Podcast 01

BONUS: Relationships Matter Most

Apr 23, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Charles Max Wood talks about how to build, grow, and benefit from positive relationships within programming. He talks about how he's built genuine positive relationships with hundreds of programmers and how he and others have grown from those relationships. He also explains that you get out of relationships what you put into them. Finally, he goes into how to begin to build relationships by building a system of influence you can use on behalf of the people you want relationships with.
Podcast 01

RUBY 494: Reducing Friction at the Authorization Layer with John Nunemaker

Apr 21, 2021 · Episode 494
Dave Kimura, Luke Stutters, and John Epperson talk with John Nunemaker about Rails Authorization. John dives into the Pundit and how he had created a wrapper around the authorization to provide meaningful messages to his application layer.
Podcast 01

BONUS: How Opportunities Come Your Way When You're an Influencer

Apr 16, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Charles Max Wood discusses several opportunities that came his way early in his podcasting career and other opportunities that have come to other people after only a couple of podcast episodes. He explains why that happens and how you can use this to create more influence as a developer.
Album Art
Latest Episode: Rules of OOP in Pictures with Ivan Nemytchenko - RUBY 668
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