
Podcast 01

MailCatcher ft. Samuel Cochran - RUBY 525

Dec 01, 2021 · Episode 525
Samuel Cochran, creator and maintainer of MailCatcher joins the Rogues to discuss how he pulled EventMachine together with Ruby to build out MailCatcher. He goes into the maintenance and contributions that have come in over the years. He dives into changes that are being made and the stability of the project.
Podcast 01

BONUS: How to do LARGE Volumes of HIGH Quality Work - While Spending Fewer Hours Working

Nov 25, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Get the Black Friday/Cyber Monday "Double Your Productivity by 5pm Today" Deal Coupon Code: "DEEP" for a GIANT discount Mani provides us with strategies and tactics to get Deep Work time and how to get our minds into that focused state for hours at a time. He has read hundreds of books that have taught him the secrets to getting more done by getting into this state. He starts by telling us how he was passed over for a promotion at Qualcomm in favor of someone younger and less experienced and how that inspired him to figure out what the other guy was doing differently. He learned that he needed to get more done with the time he was spending on his projects.
Podcast 01

Mastering Hanami ft. Sebastian Wilgosz - RUBY 524

Nov 24, 2021 · Episode 524
Sebastian Wilgosz joins the Rogues to discuss Hanami, a web framework for Rubyists. He discusses how it works and how it differs from other Ruby based web frameworks. He also discusses what's coming down the pipe and how to get started.
Podcast 01

Common Table Expressions in ActiveRecord ft. Vlado Cingel - RUBY 523

Nov 17, 2021 · Episode 523
Vlado Cingel recounts his story where he needed common table expressions within SQL for a project he was working on and wrote a patch to AREL and ActiveRecord which he submitted to the Rails Core. Since it hasn't been accepted, he's supporting it as a gem. Vlado explains what Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are, how they work, and where they're used.
Podcast 01

How Ruby Method Lookups Work ft. Kingsley Chijioke - RUBY 522

Nov 10, 2021 · Episode 522
Kingsley Chijioke wrote an article breaking down the way that Ruby finds methods and determines which version of a method to run. The Rogues approach the internals of Ruby and discuss the implications of how this comes together and where the listeners may have seen this and point out any gotchas that arise.
Podcast 01

Finding Memory Leaks in Ruby ft. Ulysse Buonomo - RUBY 521

Nov 03, 2021 · Episode 521
Ulysse Buonomo ran into an issue in the application he works on where the Heroku applications were taking up more and more memory. He began tracking down memory growth in the applications to keep the applications fast and keep the bills small.
Podcast 01

Encryption and Security in Ruby and Rails ft. Jorge Manrubia - RUBY 520

Oct 27, 2021 · Episode 520
Jorge Manrubia is a Security developer at BaseCamp. He discusses the encryption features added in Ruby on Rails and explains where they fit into the ecosystem for Hey.com. The panel jumps in to help discover how to help raise the privacy bar for your Ruby on Rails applications to protect personal and private information.
Podcast 01

How to Thrive at Your (First) Dev Job ft. Riaz Virani - RUBY 519

Oct 20, 2021 · Episode 519
Riaz Virani joins the Rogues to discuss how to thrive at your first Dev Job. He has five main ideas that when applied will help you as a new developer fit in and learn quickly on a development team. The Rogues chime in with their experiences. They also discuss how not-so-new developers can apply these ideas either as mentors or as learners themselves.
Podcast 01

Polished Ruby Programming ft. Jeremy Evans - RUBY 518

Oct 13, 2021 · Episode 518
Jeremy Evans joins the Rogues to discuss the way he builds Ruby programs and the practices he put into his latest book "Polished Ruby Programming." The Rogues dive into Jeremy's opinions. They push back on some, applaud others, and ask deeper questions about the rest. Join this deep dive by experienced developers into the how and why of organizing Ruby in deeply practiced ways.
Podcast 01

RUX: JSX-Style Rails View Components - RUBY 517

Oct 06, 2021 · Episode 517
Cameron Dutro joins the Rogues to discuss RUX, a system for managing your View Components in Rails in a similar way to how React uses JSX to manage its Component views. He discusses how it works, how it goes together, and what inspired it.
Podcast 01

Docker and Ruby ft. Huzefa Biyawarwala - RUBY 516

Sep 29, 2021 · Episode 516
Huzefa Biyawarwala joins the Rogues to discuss developer tooling around Docker and how it's used with Ruby and Rails. The Rogues join in and discuss the ways they've used Docker in their own setups and how they deploy apps using Docker and how Docker is used on their own development environment.
Podcast 01

Containerizing and Moving Apps to Kuberetes ft. Michael Orr – RUBY 515

Sep 22, 2021 · Episode 515
Michael Orr joins the Rogues to discuss how to move applications into Docker for development and production environments in Kubernetes. He walks the panel through the process of orchestrating a Rails setup in Kubernetes that you can run in the cloud.
Podcast 01

Building Mobile Apps and Ruby ft. Maxwell Anselm - RUBY 514

Sep 15, 2021 · Episode 514
Maxwell Anselm discusses the options that he's found to build multi-platform mobile applications. The panel chimes in on different options. Maxwell also goes into how he uses Ruby in non-Ruby codebases.
Podcast 01

Going from Development to Production - RUBY 513

Sep 01, 2021 · Episode 513
Dave Kimura, John Epperson, Luke Stutters, Darren Broemmer, and Valentino Stoll talk about their experiences in setting up a maintainable development environment and discuss considerations when deploying to production.
Podcast 01

Using Typing Systems in Ruby with Sorbet ft. Alex Dunae - RUBY 512

Aug 25, 2021 · Episode 512
Alex Dunae joins the Rogues to discuss his experience introducing types into an existing codebase using the Sorbet gem and how it saved him and his company time, money, and effort. The conversation covers libraries and tools for working with types in Ruby.
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Latest Episode: Building AI-Powered Applications in Ruby - RUBY 662
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