RUBY 491: The Hidden Gems of Ruby
Valentino Stoll takes us on a tour of the "gems" of features built into the core Ruby language. We explore tips and tricks for using irb that can also improve your Rails console.
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Show Notes
Valentino Stoll takes us on a tour of the "gems" of features built into the core Ruby language. We explore tips and tricks for using irb that can also improve your Rails console.
- Charles Max Wood
- John Epperson
- Luke Stutters
- Valentino Stoll
- Dependency on mimemagic 0.3.x no longer valid
- Add this `.irbrc` file and your Rails console will show a colorized banner with the environment | Twitter
- GitHub | pry/pry
- Ruby Jard
- Tree-sitter
- GitHub | ruby/ruby
- GitHub | ruby/reline
- GitHub | tree-sitter/tree-sitter
- GitHub | bcicen/ctop
- codenamev
- Twitter: Valentino Stoll ( @thecodenamev )
- GitHub: Valentino Stoll ( codenamev )
- Charles- SodaStream Aqua Fizz Sparkling Water Maker Bundle
- Charles- Soda Stream Flavor Syrups
- Charles- Teachable
- Charles- ThriveCart
- John- Char-Broil: 6-Burner Cart Style Gas Grill, Stainless/Black
- Luke- Dependency on mimemagic 0.3.x no longer valid
- Valentino- GitHub | reenhanced/gitreflow
- Valentino- Bitbar
- Valentino- Twilio
- Valentino- Twilio Powered Minecraft Server on AWS
Special Guest: Valentino Stoll.

RUBY 491: The Hidden Gems of Ruby
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