Learn to write better Ruby and Rails applications from expert Rubyists


Podcast 01

RR 459: Mutation Testing with Dave Aronson

May 12, 2020 · Episode 459
Dave Aronson joins the Rogues to talk about Mutation Testing in Ruby. The conversation starts with a discussion of what mutation testing is. They discuss the benefits and approaches before diving into implementation details.
Podcast 01

RR 458: Rules of OOP in Pictures with Ivan Nemytchenko

May 05, 2020 · Episode 458
Ivan Nemytchenko is a freelancer. He's a speaker and conference organizer. Ivan spoke at RailsConf about abstract Object Oriented programming ideas and how they can be expressed with pictures. The discussion goes into learning processes and how to create visual representations that help people understand Ruby, Rails, or other concepts.
Podcast 01

RR 457: Upgrading to Rails 6

Apr 28, 2020 · Episode 457
Dave has been upgrading some of his Rails apps. Chuck has gone through several upgrades in his past work and is working on some apps that need the upgrade. Listen to 2 veteran Rails developers talk through the issues of upgrade from different versions of Rails to the latest version.
Podcast 01

RR 456: Ruby for Good :) with Sean Marcia

Apr 21, 2020 · Episode 456
Sean Marcia organizes Ruby For Good—an organization for building technology to solve the world's problems and an in person meetup held online this year. Sean talks about founding Ruby For Good and some of the projects it has been responsible for creating.
Podcast 01

RR 455: What's Up, Rogues?

Apr 14, 2020 · Episode 455
This episode is a roundup discussion about what the podcast hosts have going on these days. John talks about going freelance working on Ruby, Rails, and React Native. John and Chuck riff on the pros and cons of React Native. Luke then jumps in and talks about a crash-and-burn he ran into with building reports. John sympathizes based on his past experiences. The rest of the show comprises the panel filling in with what they're working on or learning.
Podcast 01

RR 454: Music and Factory Bot with Daniel Colson

Apr 07, 2020 · Episode 454
Daniel Colson, from Thoughtbot and maintainer of Factory Bot, joins Dave Kimura, Luke Sutters, Tom Rossi, and John Epperson and discuss the transition from a Music career to a development career. We also dive into Factory Bot and its use cases.
Podcast 01

RR 453: Ruby Next: Get future Ruby changes now with Vladimir Dementyev

Mar 31, 2020 · Episode 453
We talk with Vladimir Dementyev about Ruby Next, its use cases and why you might want to get features from newer versions of Ruby in your current version
Podcast 01

RR 452: The History and Personalities of Ruby with Chris O’Sullivan

Mar 17, 2020 · Episode 452
Chris O’Sullivan joins the Rogues to talk about the people who influenced Ruby and how it’s shaped the community and technology we have today.
Podcast 01

RR 451: Pair Programming with Ian Norris

Mar 03, 2020 · Episode 451
David Kimura and John Epperson talk with Ian Norris on his experiences with Pair Programming. We discuss misconceptions, when pair programming works and when it doesn’t, remote paring and different types of pair programming.
Podcast 01

RR 450: Writing Ruby for the Apple II with Colin Fulton

Feb 25, 2020 · Episode 450
Colin Fulton has written a Ruby implementation in assembly for the Apple II. He's also got a fondness for the impossible and impractical applications of software. He walks through how he approached writing a somewhat limited version of Ruby for a old and limited machine. He also talks through other ways to explore the limits of Ruby and other programming languages.
Podcast 01

RR 449: Everything worth doing has already been done with Zachary Schroeder

Feb 18, 2020 · Episode 449
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, Zachary and the panelists speak about doing small projects. They cover half-done projects, when is a project really “done” and staying focused. An unfinished project is not a failure and making a small project helps to make a complete project.
Podcast 01

RR 448: How To Avoid Catastrophes with Jon Druse

Feb 04, 2020 · Episode 448
Jon Druse is a developer from Tennessee and has been using Rails for 15 years. He starts the show by sharing some of the background behind his RailsConf talk “How To Lose 50 Milion Records in 5 Minutes” and the various mistakes that were made that lead to such a dramatic loss. The loss of these records lead the company to refactor and rewrite the entire app in MongoDB. Jon talks about the decision to use Mongo. One of the main points of his talk was that their mistake was discovered because they were trying to figure out wy Elastic Search was getting slow. He counsels listeners to avoid working your way into a poor status quo and accepting it rather than doing something to fix it. If this happens, it can lead to the sudden failure of your app. In the talk, he mentions ‘landmines’, which are things in your app you don’t want to touch and you don’t deal with it until later. In his company, they left these landmines alone and then did something they thought was unrelated, and everything blew up. He stresses the importance of looking for landmines in the parts of your app that you’re uncomfortable with. He talks about the importance of doing code reviews, and to not keep doing things the same way they’ve always been done if there is a better way to do things. He also believes that there should not be a stigma about talking about mistakes and the importance of learning from each other. He talks about specific things that his company has done to change and improve. The panel discusses the idea of process theater and when refactoring and remaking your entire app is the appropriate solution.
Podcast 01

RR 447: All About Kafka and Oracle with Bob Quillin and Karthik Gaekwad

Jan 21, 2020 · Episode 447
Bob Quillin and Karthik Gaekwad are on the Oracle developer relations team. Karthik has been on Ruby Rogues previously, and he explains how he went from the Kubernetes team to developer relations. They begin the show by explaining what Kafka is, the leading open-source event streaming platform that Oracle is compatible with. It allows cloud developers to build, publish, and subscribe models for streams of records in addition to many other functions. Systems that used to take a long time to make have become very small and simple with Kafka. Kafka stands out from other message queueing systems because of its robust nature and scalability. Bob goes into more depth about the evolution of Kafka and the panel discusses some different use cases, concluding that Kafka works best for projects with a large amount of data coming in and for making real-time decisions. Bob and Karthik talk about other things Kafka can do beyond the message queue, such as building streams from specific patterns. They talk about when you should consider moving over to Kafka. Karthik talks about how to get started with Kafka. One of the best ways to do this is to set up a service with Oracle and to just play around with it, which won’t cost you much if you aren’t pushing a lot of data through it. Bob and Karthik talk about some of the features offered by Oracle and Kafka. While the offerings are somewhat vanilla, you get the advantage of it being an open-source driven service on top of a cloud that’s highly secure, available, and built to last. The panel discusses security within Kafka. They talk briefly about the framework Karafka and tools and resources available through Oracle for Kafka. The show concludes with the panel talking about compatibility between Kafka and Docker.
Podcast 01

RR 446: Development Environments

Jan 14, 2020 · Episode 446
Today the panel is talking about their development environments and preferences. Most of them run on Macs, but they talk about other operating systems. They discuss some of the pros and cons of using Apple products. While Apple has conveniences to help you restore data, many of them have had issues with cabling and the fact that Macs are not easily extendable. They agree that the speed at which a development environment gets up and running is less about the hardware and more about how the environment is set up.
Podcast 01

RR 445: Location Services with Mithun Dhar

Jan 07, 2020 · Episode 445
Mithun leads development relations at HERE Technologies which specializes in building location services and location platforms. A lot of location is so seamlessly integrated we don’t even have to think about it, but it’s quite complex. He talks about how location services work, such as a ride-sharing app. He talks about some of the tools and data available from HERE Technologies for people who want to use location services. The panel discusses when to use services from companies like HERE and when you should try to do it on your own. Mithun talks about other ways HERE’s services can be utilized. The panel discusses how companies can get mapping so wrong, and Mithun talks about some of the complexities involved in mapping. David Kimura talks about some of his experiences with creating a location app, and the panel talks about the unlimited applications of location services.
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Latest Episode: Rules of OOP in Pictures with Ivan Nemytchenko - RUBY 668
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