Learn to write better Ruby and Rails applications from expert Rubyists


Podcast 01

RR 474: React on Rails V12 - Don't Shave That Yak! with Justin Gordon

Oct 13, 2020 · Episode 474
React on Rails version 12 brings major improvements for hot reloading and bundle splitting. Justin Gordon talks about creating a great developer experience with React and Rails, the best way to manage your webpack configuration, simplify server and client-side rendering and avoid shaving those yaks!
Podcast 01

RR 473: GraphQL Doesn't Need To Be Hell with Dmitry Tsepelev

Oct 06, 2020 · Episode 473
Different doesn’t need to be worse. Dmitry Tsepelev tells us how to make the most of using GraphQL with Rails, the advantages over REST-based API queries and best practices for security and schemas.
Podcast 01

RR 472: Inertia.js - The Modern Monolith with Jonathan Reinink

Sep 29, 2020 · Episode 472
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, guest Jonathan Reinink joins the Rogues to talk about what Inertia.js is and why Rails developers would want to use it.
Podcast 01

RR 471: Sorbet with Ufuk Kayserilioglu

Sep 22, 2020 · Episode 471
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, we talk with Ufuk about how Shopify made the transition to using Sorbet and about the benefits they felt they received from implementing it. Ufuk also reveals a little bit about how Shopify transitioned to fully remote and about how that will be the default moving forward.
Podcast 01

RR 470: Performance Improvement of Ruby 3.0 JIT with Takashi Kokubun

Sep 15, 2020 · Episode 470
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists discuss the progress, problems, and strategies for implementing JIT in Ruby for the Ruby 3×3 goal all while being humbled a bit as Takashi improves our understanding around the subject.
Podcast 01

RR 469: Refactoring with James Dabbs

Sep 01, 2020 · Episode 469
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, we talk to James Dabbs as we explore a number of subjects and topics around refactoring
Podcast 01

RR 468: Diversity Matters: Diversifying Your Applicant Pool with Tricia Ball

Aug 18, 2020 · Episode 468
Tricia Ball talks to the Rogues about diversity in tech. We discuss the declining numbers of women in tech (and the rest of STEM) since the 1980s, reasons why women are leaving mid-career and how we can help reverse this trend. Tricia gives practical actions that can be taken to improve company culture, recruitment and retention of under-represented groups.
Podcast 01

RR 467: Rails at Super Scale with Kyle d'Oliveira

Aug 11, 2020 · Episode 467
Kyle d'Oliveira (Clio) shares his survival tips for dealing with tens of thousands of commits, massive migrations and the very limits of databases. We discuss the lessons learned from Rails megaprojects and how to use these tips in your own projects to reduce technical debt and tools to keep your monolith majestic when the code won't stop coming.
Podcast 01

RR 466: Beating Impostor Syndrome with Dylan Andrews

Aug 04, 2020 · Episode 466
In this episode of Ruby Rogues guest, Dylan Andrews (GoNoodle) shares his journey from pro-drummer to junior developer to successful senior software engineer. Dylan and the rogues talk about on-boarding junior developers and building up confidence.
Podcast 01

RR 465: WebAuthn in Ruby with Gonzalo Rodriguez and Braulio Martinez

Jul 28, 2020 · Episode 465
As the world becomes more security conscious, we need to think about the ways we allow people to authenticate to our applications. WebAuthn is a standard that allows you to accept biometric, device based, and other types of authentication as a second or first factor. Gonzalo and Braulio have published a gem that allows you to add webauthn to your Ruby applications and have joined the Rogues to talk through the implications of using it in your applications.
Podcast 01

RR 464: PWAs on Rails with John Beatty

Jul 21, 2020 · Episode 464
John Beatty joins the Rogues to talk about building Progressive Web Applications on Ruby on Rails. He walks the Rogues through the ins and outs of building a PWA and what it’s like adding the features you need to get a PWA set up on Rails. It turns out to be surprisingly straightforward and yet has a ton of potential.
Podcast 01

RR 463: Can We Fix What We Can't See? with James Thompson

Jul 14, 2020 · Episode 463
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, James Thompson, a Software Architect at Mavenlink, delves into how to address errors in a service-based system and how to prioritize what errors to fix. He goes into how to recognize the errors when they are creeping in and so much more.
Podcast 01

RR 462: Graphiti, REST, and GraphQL with Lee Richmond

Jun 30, 2020 · Episode 462
Lee Richmond is one of the primary developers behind the Graphiti library for Ruby. Lee describes Graphiti as the spiritual successor to ActiveResource. It provides a convenient way to provide an API that understands the object graph in your application without needing to resort to GraphQL.
Podcast 01

RR 461: Rethinking the View Layer with Components with Joel Hawksley

Jun 09, 2020 · Episode 461
Joel Hawksley is an engineer at Github who works on some of their Rails architecture. He is one of the authors of the view_component gem. He walks the Rogues through the genesis of the project and the pros and cons of using a library like view_component and how it adds testability and easy management to Rails views.
Podcast 01

RR 460: How to Brainstorm Introverts with DeeDee Lavinder

May 19, 2020 · Episode 460
Dee Dee Lavinder talks with the Rogues about how we can create space for introverts to participate in discussions, thereby getting their input in situations where we otherwise would not. She provides some tips for extroverts to invite the input, Luke brings his patented sarcasm to the table, we discuss some pitfalls and Dee really brings some fantastic advice to the table for those trying to moderate discussions as well as for those of us having small discussions with our colleagues.
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