
Podcast 01

MJS 069: Lizzie Siegle

Jul 11, 2018 · Episode 069
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Lizzie Siegle. Lizzie is a senior computer science major at Bryn Mawr College, works for Twilio as a contracting developer evangelist, and also contributes to their documentation. She first got into programming when her AP calculus teacher told some of her classmates to attend a one day all girls coding camp at Stanford and she overheard and was interested by it. She was inspired at this camp to pursue a career in coding because she loved that you can build anything with code and be creative. They talk about what got her hooked on coding, why she chose JavaScript, why she chose to work as a developer evangelist, and more!
Podcast 01

MJS 068: Ian Sinnott

Jul 04, 2018 · Episode 068
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Ian Sinnott. Since being on JavaScript Jabber for Episode 227, he has being writing a lot in JavaScript and has been taking a break from the meetups and podcast scene. He first got into programming when he took two CS courses in college that focused on Java graphical programming and SML. Once these courses were through, he stopped programming for a while and came back to it when he was creating an HTML email template. They talk about why he was excited with web development, how he got into JavaScript, what he is working on currently, and more!
Podcast 01

MJS 067: Tracy Lee

Jun 27, 2018 · Episode 067
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Tracy Lee. Tracy is the co-founder This Dot and her goal with it is to bring the JavaScript community together. She first got into programming when she tried to build websites for people and then was interested in learning JavaScript and really fell in love with the community. She really stayed with Angular because of the community she found there, the size of the community, and the fact that it gave her the ability to have a voice.
Podcast 01

MJS 066: Henrik Joreteg

Jun 20, 2018 · Episode 066
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Henrik Joreteg. Henrik has been on JavaScript Jabber previously discussing &yet back in December of 2014 on episode 137. He has since then left &yet and now does independent consulting and works on his own projects. He first got into programming when he started a company that created online video tours for houses and he needed to teach himself programming in order to create the website. They talk about what led him to JavaScript, what he’s proud of contributing to the community, what he is working on now, and much more!
Podcast 01

MJS 065: Greg Wilson

Jun 13, 2018 · Episode 065
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Greg Wilson about his educational and programming background, a Canadian company (Rangle) who’s doing amazing things, and much more! Currently, Greg is the head of instructor training at DataCamp.
Podcast 01

MJS 064: Troy Hunt

Jun 06, 2018 · Episode 064
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Troy Hunt who is from Australia. In this episode, Troy and Charles talk about web security and how Troy got into the field. Troy writes a blog, creates courses for Pluralsight, and he is a Microsoft Regional Director and an MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals.
Podcast 01

MJS 063: Fred Zirdung

May 30, 2018 · Episode 063
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Fred Zirdung. Fred is currently the head of curriculum at Hack Reactor, where he essentially builds all of the tools and learning materials for the students there. He is also an instructor and has been there for five years. Prior to that, he worked for multiple companies such as Walmart Labs as well as many small startups. He first got into programming with the Logo programming language in the 6th grade and he had always been interested in working with computers since a young age. They talk about what got him into web programming, what enthralled him about JavaScript and Ruby on Rails, and what he is proud of contributing to the JavaScript community.
Podcast 01

MJS 062: Zachary Kessin

May 23, 2018 · Episode 062
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Zachary Kessin. Zach is a web developer who has written Programming HTML5 Applications and Building Web Applications with Erlang. Currently, he works a lot with functional programming. He first got into programming because his mother used to write in Lisp and he earned his first computer by begging his relatives to help pitch in to get him one when he was seven. They talk about what led him to Erlang and Elm, why he wanted to be a programmer from a young age, and what he is most proud of in his career.
Podcast 01

MJS 061: Kyle Simpson

May 16, 2018 · Episode 061
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Kyle Simpson. Kyle is most well-known for being the writer of You Don’t Know JS. He first got into programming because his friend’s dad was a programmer and he was hooked by the software side of computers. He grew up writing games with QBasic and Turbo Pascal and then in his teens did some client projects. He was very much a self-taught programmer and ended up sticking with it into his career today. They talk about what led him to JavaScript and what he is doing currently.
Podcast 01

MJS 060: Jeff Cross

May 09, 2018 · Episode 060
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Jeff Cross. Jeff has been working on Angular and JavaScript for the past five years with Google and now with Nrwl, which he created in the past year. He got started with programming around 12 years old when his Mom taught him and his siblings how to create websites using FrontPage. He then worked as a web designer utilizing Flash and joined an agency when he was in his 20’s that focused on Flash. Jeff talks about his path to his success and the different steps it took him to get to where he is today.
Podcast 01

MJS 059: Merrick Christensen

May 02, 2018 · Episode 059
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Merrick Christensen. Christensen works at a company called Webflow, where they try to empower people to create software without code. The company is similar to Squarespace or Wix, except they give 100% design control to the client.
Podcast 01

MJS 058: Dean J Sofer

Apr 25, 2018 · Episode 058
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Dean J Sofer. Dean currently works at PlayStation now and has recently taken a step back from open source recently. He first got into programming because his Dad was really into technology, and he first started off with scripting and creating portfolio websites. They also talk about his time using Angular and what he is working on now.
Podcast 01

MJS 057: David Luecke

Apr 18, 2018 · Episode 057
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with David Luecke. David currently works for Bullish Ventures, which is a company that builds APIs and mobile web applications for clients using their open source tools. He first got into programming when he got his first computer and started programming using Delphi with Pascal. They also touch on how he first got into JavaScript, Feathers JS, and what he is working on now.
Podcast 01

MJS 056: Jonathan Carter

Apr 11, 2018 · Episode 056
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Jonathan Carter. Jonathan is a PM at Microsoft and has been a web developer for over 15 years. At Microsoft, he’s had the opportunity to work on tooling, platform pieces for JavaScript applications, and many other things. He first got into programming when his uncle let him shadow him and the IT department he had working for him, and this is where he was first introduced to software and the idea of working with computers as a career. They talk about his proudest accomplishments within the JavaScript community as well as what he is working on now.
Podcast 01

MJS 055: Johannes Schickling

Apr 04, 2018 · Episode 055
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Johannes Schickling. Johannes is the CEO and Co-Founder of GraphCool and works a lot on Prisma. He first got into programming when he started online gaming and would build websites for gaming competitions. He then started getting into creating websites, then single page apps, and has never looked back since. He also gives an origin story for GraphCool and the creation of Prisma.
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Latest Episode: MJS 156: Wayne Haugen
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