Learn to write better Ruby and Rails applications from expert Rubyists

RR 429: Mechanical Confidence with Adam Cuppy
Sep 10, 2019
Adam Cuppy is the cofounder and current chief operating officer at Zeal, web and mobile app consultancy. Today the panel is discussing the talk he gave at Rails Conf called Mechanically Confident.

RR 428: Arming the Rebels with Rails 6 Featuring David Heinemeier Hansson
Sep 03, 2019
Today’s guest is David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Ruby on Rails and co founder and CTO at Basecamp. This episode is focused on the release of Rails 6.

RR 427: Sorbet, a Type Checker for Ruby with Paul Tarjan
Aug 27, 2019
Paul Tarjan works for Stripe specializing in developer productivity. In the past, he has owned his own company and worked for Facebook. In today’s episode, the panel is talking about Sorbet, a gradual type checker for Ruby that Paul built.

RR 426: Dockerized Development Environments with Julian Fahrer
Aug 20, 2019
Julian Fahrer has been a guest on Devchat shows before and recently did a workshop at RailsConf about Docker. He specializes in teaching people about Docker and has his own course, LearnDocker.online.

RR 425: Rails + Webpacker with Taylor Jones
Aug 13, 2019
Taylor Jones works remotely for Heroku in technical support. He talks about some of the most common issues he helps customers with and what issues he saw when Webpacker was introduced. The panel talks about their experience using Webpacker and how it has influenced their usage of React and Ruby.

RR 424: Documenting Your Code
Aug 06, 2019
Today the panel is talking about documentation. They begin by discussing what documentation is, where it fits within an application, and if the code documents itself. They agree that documentation starts in the comments to explain what you’re doing, but if that’s your exclusive method, then a refactor is in order. They talk about where to start with documentation and different ways they’ve done it.

RR 423: The Well-Grounded Rubyist with David A. Black & Joseph Leo III
Jul 30, 2019
David A. Black has been a Ruby user for 19 years and has been writing books about Ruby for the last 14 years. The panel discusses how important it is to learn Ruby before starting a job in Rails 2. They agree that if you are a Ruby developer, even if you’re working on Rails apps, so you should know your tools.

RR 422: Build Chatbot Interactions in Ruby with Daniel Pritchett
Jul 20, 2019
Daniel Pritchett started doing Ruby in 2012. Lately he has been working on publishing a book on building Chatbots in Ruby using a framework called Lita and does infrastructure for a startup called Gremlin.

RR 421: Scaling and Shopify with Kir Shatrov
Jul 16, 2019
Today’s guest Kir Shatrov is a production engineer on Shopify based in London, UK. Today, he and the panel are discussing capacity planning. Kir believes that capacity planning becomes a priority when your company starts losing money and your customers are suffering. When someone does get to the point of scaling their app, it’s important to look at the limitations of the hosting service. It is also important to remember that scaling is not a job that ever completes.

RR 420: Stimulus
Jul 09, 2019
Today’s topic is the Stimulus library. Stimulus is actually a JavaScript framework and library, but it’s also built by Basecamp, so it works really well in Rails.

RR 419: Microservices and Storyscript with Steve Peak
Jul 02, 2019
Today’s guest Steve Peak has been an entrepreneur and developer for a decade specializing in building tools. He built the company Codecov, one of the top performers in the github ecosystem. The panel talks about some of the issues of having too many microservices and Steve offers Possible solutions.

RR 418: The Life and Death of a Rails App with Olivier Lacan
Jun 25, 2019
Olivier Lacan joins the panel again. He currently works for Pluralsight. Today they are talking about the spectrum of creating a Rails app, or any app, from the birth of the idea to the death of the project. The panel talks more about sunsetting, or the ending of an app. People often think that shutting down an app doesn’t have any impact, but it is important to give customers time to adjust to change, as Olivier found out with Code School.

RR 417: The Devchat.tv Mission and Journey with Charles Max Wood
Jun 18, 2019
Charles talks about his journey as a podcaster and his mission with Devchat.tv. Devchat.tv is designed to home podcasts that speak to all developer communities. Charles also plans Devchat.tv to host shows for technologies that are on the verge of a breakthrough and will be a lot more widely available in the near future such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). There are new shows being added continuously to reach out to new communities, some examples of which are: a Data Science show, a DevOps show and an Open Source show.

RR 416: The Difference between Devise and Warden with Leonardo Tegon
Jun 11, 2019
Leonardo Tegon is a software developer at Plataformatec, the company that created Devise. Leonardo talks about how he ended up at Plataformatec and shares a little bit about the talk he gave about alternative authentication methods. He talks about the difference between Devise and Warden. Some of the panelists have had some issues with cache warming in Warden, and Leonardo shares ways to get around it. They talk about authentication strategies used in Warden and Devise and different strategies that tap into hardware.

RR 415: Code Free Developer Interview with Pete Holiday
Jun 04, 2019
Special Guest Pete Holiday is the director of engineering at a company called Samsara and specializes interviewing software engineers. The panel begins by talking about some of the trends they see in tech interviews, specifically the move towards code-heavy interviews.

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