Learn to write better Ruby and Rails applications from expert Rubyists

RR 444: Rails Against the Machine
Dec 31, 2019
Brittany Martin, Lead Web Developer at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust joins the panel today to talk about her talk "Rails Against The Machine". She has given this talk at Southeast Ruby, Rubyconf MY and Ruby on Ice.

RR 443: Sharing Tips from the Trench with Sven Akerman Jr.
Dec 24, 2019
Sven Akerman Jr. is the chief architect at Outlook Insight. Today he and the panel are talking about the process behind development, specifically how Sven helped improve the software development process at his previous employer.

RR 442:Ruby Rogues Live at GitLab Commit 2019
Dec 17, 2019
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, Charles Max Wood interviews speakers at GitLab Commit 2019. Eddie Zaneski from Digital Ocean talks about "Creating a CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab and Kubernetes in 20 minutes", Shamiq Islam from Coinbase talks about "Closing the SDLC Loop- Automating Security" and Jasmine James, from Delta Airlines, discusses " How Delta Became Cloud Native-Avoiding the Vendor Lock".
Eddie, Shamiq, and Jasmine give the 5 min "elevator pitch" for the talks they gave at the conference.

RR 441: Solidus with Alessandro Desantis
Dec 10, 2019
Alessandro Desantis is the director of Nebulab and is currently working on Solidus. After talking a little bit about how Nebulab got started, he describes what Solidus is. Solidus is a free, open source eCommerce platform built in Ruby on Rails that gives you complete control over your store. Three things that set it apart from other eCommerce platforms are that it is governed by a single company and that the focus is on quality and backwards compatibility. One of their biggest goals is to make Solidus streamlined, and Alessandro talks about how they handle it with the complex business logic involved in eCommerce. He talks more about the governance of Solidus and the different teams involved.

RR 440: Swagger and OpenAPI with Josh Ponelat
Dec 03, 2019
Today the panel discusses the difference between Swagger and Open API with Josh Ponelat. Josh details the difference between the two. Swagger is a set of protocols around describing restful APIs.

RR 439: Human Powered Rails: Automated Crowdsourcing In Your RoR App with Andrew Glass
Nov 26, 2019
Andrew Glass is a Brooklyn based Rubyist operating a small independent devshop called Bang Equals. Today the panel is discussing his about his 2018 RailsConf talk, Human Powered Rails: Automated Crowdsourcing In Your Ruby on Rails App.

RR 438: Deviating from the Rails Core
Nov 19, 2019
Today Charles and Dave are discussing deviating from the Rails core. Dave doesn’t care for JavaScript frameworks or microservices as he believes that they add too much complexity. These things may become necessary when your project gets massive, but otherwise we shouldn’t jump to these as a first option. If you don’t need the frontend powerhouse features, you may want to see how far you can get with Rails and a minimal frontend. React may not always be the solution that you need. They discuss jQuery versus Stimulus. They both prefer jQuery over Stimulus as they find it less invasive and clunky, and it’s easier to drop things in.

RR 437: Deploying Rails Onto Kubernetes with Khash Sajadi
Nov 12, 2019
Khash and Kasia work for Cloud 66, a company started in 2012 with a goal to make Rails deployment simple and infrastructure easy to understand for application developers.

RR 436: Determining Pricing with Michael Herold
Nov 05, 2019
Michael Herold is married to an economist and is a staff engineer at Flywheel where he writes Ruby programs to support PHP programs. He gave a talk at RailsConf 2018 about how to price a product. The panel discusses other ways of determining pricing, such as basing your price off the price of a similar product. They discuss the pros and cons of different complex pricing they’ve seen.

RR 435: Alternatives to Adding React with Graham Conzett
Oct 22, 2019
Graham Conzett has been a developer for 12 years. He has worked with Ruby and Rails for half of that, and currently works for a company that does large format touchscreens.

RR 434: Surviving Webpack with Ross Kaffenberger
Oct 15, 2019
Ross Kaffenberger is a software engineer at Stitch Fix and has been developing web applications for the past 12 years, mostly in Ruby and JavaScript. Today he and the panel are discussing how to survive Webpack.

RR 433: ShipLane with John Epperson
Oct 08, 2019
John Epperson has been doing ruby for 12 years and is a friend of Andrew Mason. He got into Docker a couple years ago and felt like something was missing, so he wrote Shiplane. He liked Docker because it was a promise that he could delegate a lot of the manual devops work to something else, and that something else was able to automate all of it. What he noticed was if you have a Docker thing in development and want to transfer it into production, there was no clear path to get a Docker item from development to production. The process wasn’t truly automated, so he created ShipLane in an attempt to automate it.

RR 432: Stop Testing, Start Storytelling with Mike Schutte
Oct 01, 2019
Mike Schutte is a fronted developer at TED conferences and was trained in code school at Turing in Colorado. He likes the idea of code as a communication tool, and in 2018 he gave a talk at RailsConf called Stop Testing. Start Storytelling.

RR 431: Building a Consulting Business with Todd Kaufman
Sep 24, 2019
Todd Kaufman is one of the cofounders of Test Double, a software development consultancy that was started 8 years ago. Todd talks about how he got started with Test Double and how it grew. He and Justin started Test Double because he felt that a lot of consultancies didn’t align with what they thought was important. Most consultancies then didn’t focus on good software development practices, and instead focused solely on the process. They decided that they would put the developers first and foremost so they could solve hard problems.

RR 430: Opal with Elia Schito
Sep 17, 2019
Today’s guest Elia Schito has been a Ruby developer for 12+ years and works for Nebulab. During his career he looked for Ruby to JavaScript translators and found Opal.
The panel discusses where Opal belongs within an app and when the compilation into JavaScript occurs. The main reason a person would want to use Opal is to avoid writing in JavaScript.

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