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VoV 030: "How we use Vue in Data Science" with Jacob Schatz & Taylor Murphy (Gitlab Team)
Sep 25, 2018
In this episode, the panel talks with Jacob Schatz and Taylor Murphy who are apart of the GitLab Team. Jake is a staff developer, and Taylor is a manager at GitLab who started off as a data engineer. To find out more about the GitLab Team check them out here! Also, they are looking to hire, so inquire about the position through GitLab, if interested! The panel talks about Vue, Flux, Node, Flask, Python, D3, and much...much more!

VoV 029: Vue with Sarah Drasner
Sep 18, 2018
In this episode, the panel talks with Sarah Drasner, and John Papa is my boss! Sarah talks about the Vue alongside the panel. She goes into her many passions, and talks about how education and being a teacher is something that is quite important for her. Check out today’s episode to hear all of these topics, plus more!

VoV 028: “10 Things I Love About Vue with Duncan Grant”
Sep 11, 2018
In this episode, the panel talks with Duncan Grant who is a JavaScript developer and he talks briefly about his background. Today he discusses the “Top Ten Things He Loves About Vue.” He works in Cambridge, UK and is quite involved there. You can check Duncan out through LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, and other social media sites. He currently works for Cambridge Intelligence. Check out his bios to see Duncan’s latest activity!

VoV 027: Code Automation
Sep 04, 2018
In this episode, the panel talks about code automation, generators, and other topics. They talk about the pros and cons of what generators can and cannot do. Later they discuss different codes, such as Prettier and Eslint codes, and also talk about their pros and cons. Check-out today’s episode to get the full details on these topics and much more!

VoV 026: How to Get a Job (Especially for New Developers) with Charles Max Wood
Aug 28, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks about Charles’ new course on how to Get a Coder Job. A lot of people come to Charles asking him how to get a coder job, especially as new developers, and he created this course in order to help them find jobs. They talk about how the panelists got their own first coder jobs, the difference between being self-taught and getting a CS degree, and the indicator that makes the biggest difference in getting a first job. They also touch on the importance of knowing how to interview, having a desire and passion for development, and more!

VoV 025: Gitlab's journey with Vue with Filipa Lacerda and Jacob Schatz
Aug 23, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Filipa Lacerda, Jacob Schatz, and Phil Hughes about GitLab’s journey with Vue. Jacob started as a front-end developer at GitLab and now has joined the data science team as a staff data science engineer. Filipa has been a front-engineer and works with the CIDC and security teams at GitLab. Phil has been at GitLab for 2 ½ years and most recently has been working on the web IDE. They talk about how GitLab decided to adopt Vue, the benefits that Vue brings their company, why they decided to move away from jQuery, and more!

VoV 024: Teaching Vue, Community Building, and the Vue News Podcast with Gregg Pollack & Adam Jahr
Aug 14, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Gregg Pollack and Adam Jahr about teaching Vue, community building, and the Vue News Podcast. Gregg is passionate about teaching online, being a father, and self-awareness and leadership development with startups. Adam teaches alongside Gregg at Vue Mastery, where they strive to be the ultimate resource for Vue developers. They talk about what made them decide to create Vue Mastery, the evolution of the Vue community, the story of Code School, and more!

VoV 023: Unit Testing Vue components with Edd Yerburgh
Aug 07, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Edd Yerburgh about unit testing Vue components. Edd is a software engineer for BBC in London and he maintains Vue Test Utils, which is a library to help make unit testing Vue components easier. They talk about how you would use Vue Test Utils, examples of components you would test with Vue Test Utils, and good patterns to use when testing. They also touch on snapshot testing, the Vue Jest library, and more!

VoV 022 : How I became a Vue.js core team member without a professional background with Thorsten Luenborg
Jul 31, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Thorsten Luenborg about how he became a Vue.js core team member. Thorsten is a part of the Vue core team, and has been for about 2 years. They talk about the beginnings of the creation of the Vue core team, what it means to be on the core team, and his main focus on the core team. They also touch on how Vue is ran using Open Collective and Patreon, how they don’t have an overarching corporate structure, and more!

VoV 021: Building SharePoint Extensions with JavaScript with Vesa Juvonen LIVE at Microsoft Build
Jul 24, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Vesa Juvonen about building SharePoint extensions with JavaScript. Vesa is on the SharePoint development team and is responsible for the SharePoint Framework, which is the modern way of implementing SharePoint customizations with JavaScript. They talk about what SharePoint is, why they chose to use JavaScript with it, and how he maintains isolation. They also touch on the best way to get started with SharePoint, give some great resources to help you use it, and more!

VoV 020: Reactive Programming with Vue with Tracy Lee, Ben Lesh, and Jay Phelps
Jul 17, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Tracy Lee, Ben Lesh, and Jay Phelps about reactive programming in Vue. They talk about the new additions to RxJS 6, what RxJS actually is, reactive programming, and Vue Rx. They also touch on the basics of RxJS, the difference between Promises and RxJS, and more!

VoV 019: Error Tracking and Troubleshooting Workflows with David Cramer LIVE at Microsoft Build
Jul 11, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panelists talk to David Cramer about error tracking and troubleshooting workflows. David is the founder and CEO of Sentry, and is a software engineer by trade. He started this project about a decade ago and it was created because he had customers telling him that things were broken and it was hard to help them fix it. They talk about what Sentry is, errors, workflow management, and more!

VoV 018: State Management with Vue.js with Hassan Djirdeh
Jul 03, 2018
In this episode of Views on Vue, the panelists discuss state management with Vue.js with Hassan Djirdeh. Hassan is a front-end engineer developer based out of Toronto, Canada and works for the ecommerce company Shopify as his full-time job. In his free-time he does anything and everything related to Vue and has also recently helped publish a book called Fullstack Vue. They talk about Vue CLI 3.0, state management patterns, his talk The Importance of State Management in Vue, and more!

VoV 017: Cloud-Hosted DevOps with Ori Zohar and Gopinath Chigakkagari LIVE at Microsoft Build
Jun 26, 2018
In this episode, the Views on Vue panelists discuss Cloud-Hosted DevOps with Ori Zohar and Gopinath Chigakkagari at Microsoft Build. Ori is on the product team at VSTS focusing on DevOps specifically on Azure. Gopinath is the group program manager in VSTS primarily working on continuous integration, continuous delivery, DevOps, Azure deployment, etc. They talk about the first steps people should take when getting into DevOps, define DevOps the way Microsoft views it, the advantages to automation, and more!

VoV 016: NativeScript Vue with Jen Looper
Jun 18, 2018
In this episode of Views on Vue, the panelists discuss NativeScript-Vue with Jen Looper. Jen is a developer advocate at Progress and the project that she is most involved in is NativeScript, which allows you to build mobile apps. The subset of NativeScript that she is really passionate about is NativeScript-Vue. They talk about what NativeScript and NativeScript-Vue are, resources to help learn NativeScript, and more!

Latest Episode: Adios For Now - VUE 232
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