VoV 024: Teaching Vue, Community Building, and the Vue News Podcast with Gregg Pollack & Adam Jahr
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Gregg Pollack and Adam Jahr about teaching Vue, community building, and the Vue News Podcast. Gregg is passionate about teaching online, being a father, and self-awareness and leadership development with startups. Adam teaches alongside Gregg at Vue Mastery, where they strive to be the ultimate resource for Vue developers. They talk about what made them decide to create Vue Mastery, the evolution of the Vue community, the story of Code School, and more!
Show Notes
- Chris Fritz
- Joe Eames
- Divya Sasidharan
- Erik Hanchett
Special Guests: Gregg Pollack & Adam Jahr
In this episode, the Views on Vue panel talks to Gregg Pollack and Adam Jahr about teaching Vue, community building, and the Vue News Podcast. Gregg is passionate about teaching online, being a father, and self-awareness and leadership development with startups. Adam teaches alongside Gregg at Vue Mastery, where they strive to be the ultimate resource for Vue developers. They talk about what made them decide to create Vue Mastery, the evolution of the Vue community, the story of Code School, and more!
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- Gregg and Adam intro
- Vue Mastery
- Founded Vue Mastery together
- What made you decide to get into the Vue space and teaching people about Vue?
- Came from Code School
- Laracasts and RailsCasts
- Passion for open source and teaching
- Wanted to build Vue Mastery in a way that supports the community
- Do you see parallels between the Code School community and the Vue community?
- Seeing the community evolve
- The necessity of teachers to push Vue forward
- The story of Code School
- Official Vue News Podcast
- Rails for Zombies
- Creating partnerships
- Merger with Pluralsight
- Producing mostly video content now
- Why did you choose video?
- Humans are visual creatures
- Gamification with Vue Mastery
- Want to have a reason for people to come back to your sight
- One new video a week
- And much, much more!
- Vue Mastery
- Vue
- Code School
- Laracasts
- RailsCasts
- Official Vue News Podcast
- Rails for Zombies
- Pluralsight
- @greggpollack
- greggpollack.com
- Gregg’s GitHub
- Gregg’s Pluralsight
- @AdamJahr
- adamjahr.com
- Adam’s GitHub
- Adam’s Medium
- @VueMastery
- Thorsten Lünborg, Sarah Drasner, Pratik Patel, Gusto, Tray Lee, Deanna Leavitt, and Joe Eames
- Sebastian Deterding
- Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg
- Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone
- 13 Reasons Why
- Alone: A Love Story
- The Landmark Forumhttp://www.landmarkworldwide.com/the-landmark-forum
Special Guests: Adam Jahr and Gregg Pollack.

VoV 024: Teaching Vue, Community Building, and the Vue News Podcast with Gregg Pollack & Adam Jahr
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