Jason Weimann started out as an enthusiast of the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, Everquest. After...
Chuck outlines how he's used his podcasts to find mentors to continue his learning journey over 12 years of...
Chuck outlines how he's used his podcasts to find mentors to continue his learning journey over 12 years of...
Remember the amazing adventure it was to learn a new thing every day as a Junior Developer? It's easy to feel a...
Charles Max Wood goes into the origin story of his podcasting career and how it relates to his programming career. He...
Charles Max Wood explains how he landed his first 4 freelance clients that took him through a few years of...
Charles Max Wood explains the process he uses to stay current in various technologies including JavaScript and...
This is a repeat episode of Adventures in Angular.
John-Daniel Trask, founder and CEO of Raygun, talks about his experience building a monitoring company and about how...
This is a repeat episode of Ruby Rogues 485
The Rogues dive into who are top 5% developers, what they're doing and...
Charles Max Wood takes a solo flight into how to make an impact on the development community and build the career you...
In the inaugural episode of Adventures in Angular, the panelists talk to Miško Hevery about the birth of AngularJS.