
Podcast 01

Subrat and Chuck Catch Up - AiA 335

Dec 16, 2021 · Episode 335
Subrat and Chuck sit down and discuss what they're working on and where they're heading going forward. They've both changed work situations and are doing new things. They also talk about the stuff going on outside of work.
Podcast 01

3 Fundamental Pillars You Need to Succeed as an Entrepreneur - BONUS

Dec 14, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Mani has summarized hundreds of business books that outline how to build, grow, and operate a business and he shares his expertise with Chuck and the listeners in this special episode.
Podcast 01

The Problems with the Angular Test-Bed ft. Georgi Parlakov - AiA 334

Dec 09, 2021 · Episode 334
Georgi Parlakov outlines the problems he's had using the Angular Test-Bed and what he's done to move to a different system. He's built a library called scuri to help him build and run his tests in a way that make it easy to standardize the tests he runs.
Podcast 01

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) ft. Francesco Leardini - AiA 333

Dec 02, 2021 · Episode 333
Francesco Leardini joins the adventure to discuss how to build PWA's using Angular. In some ways it's pretty straightforward. In other ways, you need to invent ways to get what you need. Francesco explains how to pull in the various features that make up PWA's and the advantages of using them with your Angular applications to enhance your users' experience.
Podcast 01

BONUS: How to do LARGE Volumes of HIGH Quality Work - While Spending Fewer Hours Working

Nov 25, 2021 · Episode BONUS
Mani provides us with strategies and tactics to get Deep Work time and how to get our minds into that focused state for hours at a time. He has read hundreds of books that have taught him the secrets to getting more done by getting into this state.
Podcast 01

Chuck's Journey and Top End Devs Going Forward - AiA 332

Nov 18, 2021 · Episode 332
Charles Max Wood talks about what has brought about the new direction he's heading in with Top End Devs and talks about some of the things that have led to this new direction.
Podcast 01

How VS Code Can Keep You From Making Coding Mistakes in Angular - AiA 331

Nov 04, 2021 · Episode 331
Tom Smykowski joins the adventure to discuss the VS Code plugin that he wrote to help people avoid some of the mistakes commonly made within Angular apps. The reminders appear inline in the editor. He also explains how to build VS Code extensions.
Podcast 01

The ESLint NGRx Plugin - AiA 330

Oct 21, 2021 · Episode 330
Armen and Chuck discuss the ESLint NGRx plugin. They go over what it adds to ESLint and some of the things that you should be looking for as you write NGRx code in order to make it more uniform, concise, and easy to read. Armen also talks about his experience contributing to the plugin.
Podcast 01

Status Codes with Angular Universal ft. Catalin Ciubotaru - AiA 329

Oct 13, 2021 · Episode 329
Catalin Ciubotaru joins the adventure to discuss how to get Angular Universal to send server side HTTP codes to the browser from the back-end when Angular is geared toward the front-end and doesn't natively send status codes.
Podcast 01

Deploying Angular Apps ft. Marco Zuccaroli - AiA 328

Oct 07, 2021 · Episode 328
Marco Zuccaroli joins the adventure to discuss deploying an Angular application using serverless and basic devops to get an application deployed once the original devops guy was gone. He walks through the things he learned and the architecture he deployed to make the application work.
Podcast 01

TypeScript Mixins - AiA 327

Sep 30, 2021 · Episode 327
Armen takes the lead this week to discuss TypeScript usage and how to bring in mixins into the picture as you build more complicated applications with TypeScript.
Podcast 01

All Things TypeScript ft. Wycliffe Maina - AiA 326

Sep 23, 2021 · Episode 326
Wycliffe Maina is a Kenyan developer who has written several articles about TypeScript. He joins the adventure to discuss the ins and outs and several tips and tricks for using TypeScript in your Angular and other applications.
Podcast 01

Managing and Capturing Errors in Angular ft. Philipp Kief - AiA 325

Sep 16, 2021 · Episode 325
Philipp Kief is a German developer who walks through how to manage and capture errors in your Angular application and how to display them to users. He discusses how he standardized error handlers in his applications and what he does to make sure that they get logged someplace.
Podcast 01

RxJS Best Practices in Angular ft. Tomas Trajan - AiA 324

Sep 02, 2021 · Episode 324
Tomas Trajan is a developer from Slovakia living in Switzerland. He talks about his experiences using streams, observables, and RxJS in Angular over the last several years.
Podcast 01

Building Reactive Angular Applications ft. Pavel Tuzov - AiA 323

Aug 26, 2021 · Episode 323
Pavel Tuzov is a developer at Microsoft who has recently written about building reactive Angular applications using RxJS and Observables. He and Chuck have a conversation about how to build reactive applications and the tools Angular gives you to approach programming with a Reactive paradigm.
Album Art
Latest Episode: Angular Elements, Annex & Storybook with Brad McAlister - AiA 439
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