The guest panelist for this episode of Views on Vue is Michele Cynowicz. Michele is a senior front-end engineer at...
On this episode of Views on Vue the panelists are joined by Filipa Lacerda. Filipa is a senior front-end engineer at...
Sebastien Chopin is a front end developer who works mostly in JavaScript and is the creator of Nuxt.JS, a framework...
This episode of Views on Vue features Tracey Holinka, a web application architect with the role of front-end lead for...
On this episode of Views on Vue the panelists discuss their preferences for their development environments and tools....
Luca Mezzalira is an Italian developer. He is the VP of architecture at DAZN, a multi-country live streaming platform...
In this week’s episode of Views one Vue, the panel interviews Vue’s biggest fan, Gwendolyn Faraday. Gwen shares her...
In this episode of Views on Vue, the panel waxes philosophical while talking with Microsoft advocate Chris Noring....
Joined by their newest member, Elizabeth Fine, the panel discusses testing. The share their approaches to testing and...
Jack Koppa, a frontend developer at Politico, joins the panel to discuss the adoption of Typescript at Politico....
In this episode, the panel has a fun time as they discuss what makes a good talk and how to get started as a speaker....
Nosa Obaseki joins the panel to share his story and his experience learning Vue in Nigeria. He shares how he got...
Debbie O’Brien shares her journey becoming a programmer and how she got into Vue and contributing to open source...
Elizabeth Fine starts by talking about getting into Vue and working at REI. The panel discusses the Cedar component...
The panel joins Jen Looper at a Vue Vixens workshop where she explains what they are all about. They discuss the...
Frontend developer at Liqid Inc. Ari Clark, discusses the Real-time app and answers questions for the panel. Ari...
Miriam Suzanne starts by explaining design systems and design tooling, how they differ and the problems they solve....
Jilson Thomas shares how he got started in vue. He gives the origin story of vuejobs and explains how it is different...
Raymond Camden discusses a few of his blog posts with Ben Hong. The first post they discuss is about vue components;...
Michele Cynowicz tells the panel about working for Vox and what they do. She shares her experience integrating VueJs...
Alex Vipond introduces himself and what he does. He introduces renderless components and why he uses them. The panel...
Krystal Campioni starts by introducing herself and her background. She shares how she got into Vue and her design...
Marina Mosti explain what is date-fns and why people need them. The panel askes Marina questions about her articles...
Today’s episode features special guest Piero Borrelli. Piero is not currently using Vue but has experience with...