VoV 064: Renderless Component Libraries with Alex Vipond

Alex Vipond introduces himself and what he does. He introduces renderless components and why he uses them. The panel discusses renderless components and how they have a more advanced UI logic. Alex shares his work and goals with Baleada, the renderless component library he is building. The panel asks Alex about how get got into vue, renderless components and his experience in working in documentation. Alex shares some documentation tips and lessons he learned working in customer service.

Special Guests: Alex Vipond

Show Notes

  • Charles Max Wood
  • Ben Hong
  • Natalia Tepluhina
Joined by Special Guest: Alex Vipond
Alex Vipond introduces himself and what he does. He introduces renderless components and why he uses them. The panel discusses renderless components and how they have a more advanced UI logic. Alex shares his work and goals with Baleada, the renderless component library he is building. The panel asks Alex about how get got into vue, renderless components and his experience in working in documentation. Alex shares some documentation tips and lessons he learned working in customer service.
Charles Max Wood:
Alex Vipond:
Ben Hong:
Natalia Tepluhina:
  • Better release
Special Guest: Alex Vipond.
Album Art
VoV 064: Renderless Component Libraries with Alex Vipond
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