VoV 075: Terrific Talk Tips
In this episode, the panel has a fun time as they discuss what makes a good talk and how to get started as a speaker. The panel lists attributes they love in a talk that makes them want to jump onto their computers and code: having an easy call to action with resources, start the talk with why the audience should listen and what they stand to gain from the talk, and authentic humor are only a few. Amazing example talks and speakers are given as resources to study these attributes. The panel also discusses cringe-worthy mistakes made by speakers that can kill an interesting talk: too many words on your slides or reading from your slides, rambling personal anecdotes, tangents, and jokes, or being overly professional and talking down to your audience and many more. Advice is given on how to correct these problems
Show Notes
- Adventures in DevOps
- Sentry– use the code “devchat” for two months free on Sentry’s small plan
- The Freelancers Show
- CacheFly
- Chris Fritz
- Ben Hong
- Ari Clark
- Agile Design Systems in Vue - Miriam Suzanne at VueConf.US
- Callum Macrae - Accessibility with Vue
- Advanced Animations with Vue.js
- Vue in Motion - Rachel Nabors - VueConf US 2018
- https://slides.com/
- Back to the Vueture: Stuck in the Event Loop
- http://www.sarahmei.com/blog/2014/04/07/what-your-conference-proposal-is-missing/
- https://www.facebook.com/ViewsonVue
- https://twitter.com/viewsonvue
- Paris, France