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Nuxt 3 Authentication Using Supabase with James Sinkala - VUE 218
May 30, 2023
James Sinkala is a Full-Stack Developer and Technical Writer. He joins the show to talk about his article, "Nuxt 3 authentication with Supabase". He starts off by talking about his career and experiences as a developer.

Open-Source Library Tools with Erik Hanchett - VUE 217
May 09, 2023
Erik Hanchett is a Front End Engineer at Amazon Web Services. He returns to the show to talk about creating open-source library tools. He begins by explaining the requirements, tools used, and many more in creating the library.

Utilizing Web3 in Vue Apps for User Authentication - VUE 216
May 04, 2023
David Atanda is an Engineer at ConsenSys. He returns to the show alongside Steve to talk about using Web3 Auth in a Vue app for user authentication. He begins by talking about the difference between Web2 and Web3. Moreover, he dives into the process of using Web3 Authentication and its features.

Building Skeleton Loader with Vue and Tailwind - VUE 215
Apr 26, 2023
Giannis Koutsaftakis is a Senior Frontend Developer at Pequity. He joins the show with Steve to talk about, "Skeleton Loader using Vue & Tailwind". He begins by explaining Skeleton Loader and how it can improve user experience. He also talks about its advantages and disadvantages.

Vuetensils, HTML, HTML Forms with Austin Gil - VUE 214
Apr 18, 2023
Austin Gil is a Senior Developer Advocate. He returns to the show alongside Steve to talk about his articles. He starts the show by explaining what Vuetensils is. He also dives into his article, "TIL: You Can Access A User’s Camera with Just HTML". Moreover, they also talk about their perspective on what beginner developers should learn first if they're still starting out in the field.

UnoCSS with Erik Hanchett - VUE 213
Apr 11, 2023
Erik Hanchett is Front End Engineer at Amazon Web Services. He joins the show with Steve to talk about UnoCSS. He begins by explaining what it is. They also discuss the difference between UnoCSS, tailwind CSS, and WindiCSS. He shares his own experience of using UnoCSS.

Everything About Nuxt with Drew Baker - VUE 212
Apr 04, 2023
Returning guest, Drew Baker is the Founder and Technical Director at Funkhaus. He joins Steve on this week's episode to discuss his experiences in using Nuxt. He talks about its useful features and goes into detail about its benefits. Additionally, he talks about how he runs his applications using Nuxt

Performance and Nuxt with Jakub Andrzejewski - VUE 211
Mar 14, 2023
Jakub Andrzejewski is a Senior Developer & Dev Advocate at Vue Storefront. He joins the show alongside Steve to talk about performance in Nuxt and Vue. He begins the show by diving into the concept of performance, how to maintain a high-performing website, and providing the best user experience

Using TypeScript in Vue.js With Uchechukwu Azubuko - VUE 210
Feb 28, 2023
Uchechukwu Azubuko is a lead frontend engineer at OneLiquidit and a STEM educator passionate about having specific pursuits, advocating for women in tech, community building, and teaching people better ways to live and work. He joins the show to discuss his article, "How to Use TypeScript with Vue.js: Your Go-to Guide". He starts off by talking about some of the projects in which he would use Typescript.

All Things Nuxt With Daniel Roe - VUE 209
Feb 08, 2023
Daniel Roe returns to the show alongside guest host Drew and Steve to talk about the new releases and changes in Nuxt. He begins by explaining the difference between Nuxt and Nuxt Labs. He also talks about migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3. Moreover, he tackles future projects and plans for the framework.

What It Takes To Freelance - VUE 208
Jan 31, 2023
Most software developers have done freelancing at some point in their careers, so today, Steve and Drew get together to discuss what is involved in freelancing. They cover topics such as how to find work, how to price it, how to get paid, and everybody's favorite topic, paying taxes. They finish with picks, and the high point of every episode, Steve's dad jokes of the week.

What Makes A Great Programmer With Drew Baker - VUE 207
Jan 24, 2023
Steve sits down with returning guest host Drew Baker to talk about what makes a good programmer. They each list their top five characteristics and find that there is a lot of crossovers between their lists, and as always, go down a few rabbit trails on things like code comments. They end with Steve's famous dad jokes and some new exciting CSS features.

Web Testing And Automations With Playwright - VUE 206
Jan 03, 2023
Debbie O’Brien is a Senior Program Manager on the developer division community team at Microsoft. She returns to the show with Steve to talk about the Microsoft tool called “Playwright”. It is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. Moreover, they go into how the testing works, its useful features, and how it has more advantages than other testing solutions.

The Magic Of Vue Mastery with Adam Jahr -VUE 205
Dec 22, 2022
Steve talks with Adam Jahr of Vue Mastery about online Vue training. They talk about the history of Vue Mastery, how it is structured, and the details of what goes into making the fantastic, professional-looking videos they create.

The Developer Hiring Process From Both Sides - VUE 204
Nov 29, 2022
Steve sits down with guest host Drew Baker to talk about their experiences and tips about getting hired as a web developer these days. Steve covers his experiences both as a job seeker and the person doing the hiring, and along with Drew, tells some great - and not so great stories about job hunting from both sides. Along the way, they provide some (hopefully) helpf

Latest Episode: Adios For Now - VUE 232
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