221 FS Generating Short-Term Cash without Taking Crappy Projects or Bottom-Feeding on Upwork

Show Notes

1:00: Topic introduction: Making fast cash
2:45: Reach out to past clients
  • Might be a small project
  • Might lead to referrals
5:55: Ask for referrals
  • Give them the tools to know who to refer you to
  • Be specific about what your ideal client looks like
  • Use LinkedIn for second degree connection introductions
10:00 Use mental associations when making requests
  • Make specific requests; don’t think in broad terms
  • “Think like a fisherman, not like a fish.”
  • Use inbound and outbound approaches.
  • More Cheese and Less Whiskers
17:30: Cold outreach
  • Might feel awkward, but it works
  • Start close to home
  • Pick an industry where you’ve had previously success
  • Make sure you follow up
  • Cold outreach episode with Kai
23:40: Be creative
  • Kurt Elster blog post on handwritten notes
  • Birthday cakes
26:10: Use social media
  • Reach out to your email list, blog, YouTube subscribers
  • Use Twitter for searches
  • Use Hacker News
30:20: Offer a discount to current clients for prepayment
36:30: Create a microservice
Duct Tape Marketing blog (Philip) cheese/whiskers
ReplyApp.io (Philip)
The Hourly Trap (Jonathan)
Slack Hangouts (Charles)
Album Art
221 FS Generating Short-Term Cash without Taking Crappy Projects or Bottom-Feeding on Upwork
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