Learn to write better Ruby and Rails applications from expert Rubyists


Podcast 01

Vector Search in Rails Applications - RUBY 601

Jul 07, 2023 · Episode 601
Andrei Bondarev builds AI/ML-capable software products. He joins the show alongside Chuck to talk about Vector Search or Semantic Search. He begins by giving an overview of it, explaining its concept, its significance, how it can be used in the rails application, and many more.
Podcast 01

Full-Text Search in Ruby - RUBY 600

Jun 21, 2023 · Episode 600
Dave, Chuck, and Valentino join this week's panelist episode to talk about "Full Text Search in Ruby". Dave takes the lead as he explains full-text search, how it works and its purpose. They also dive into meili search and elastic search.
Podcast 01

Occams Record with Jordan Hollinger - RUBY 599

Jun 14, 2023 · Episode 599
Jordan Hollinger is a Ruby developer for over 12 years now. He joins the show to talk about his gem, "occams-record". It is the missing high-efficiency query API for ActiveRecord. He begins by explaining his gem and why he created it.
Podcast 01

Testing API's and Loggers with Rich Steinmetz - RUBY 598

Jun 07, 2023 · Episode 598
Rich Steinmetz is a creator at RichStone.io and is a Tech Coach. He joins the show to talk about his article, "Testing Rails loggers with minitest". He begins by talking about loggers and different ways to test them. Chuck also shares his ways of testing loggers.
Podcast 01

Managing Emotions When Programming with Ryan Ong - RUBY 597

May 31, 2023 · Episode 597
Ryan Ong is a software engineer at Buoy Software. He joins the show alongside Dave and Valentino to talk about emotional programming. He shares how he got into Ruby on Rails and dives into creating and monitoring code bases. They talk about handling their emotions when they are coding and how to minimize the stressors around.
Podcast 01

Rails I18n Manager with Weston Ganger - RUBY 596

May 25, 2023 · Episode 596
Weston Ganger is a Software Architect and an Expert in Ruby-on-Rails. He joins the show to discuss "rails_i18n_manager". He starts off by discussing his professional career and projects. He talks about translations, some of his approaches, and the challenges he encountered
Podcast 01

Building Rails Application with Phlex - RUBY 595

May 17, 2023 · Episode 595
Brad Gessler is an experienced Co-Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. He is also one of the authors of Fly.io. He talks about the "Phlex", its advantages, its impact, and how he uses it.
Podcast 01

All Things Machine Learning - RUBY 594

May 10, 2023 · Episode 594
Host from the Adventures in ML podcast, Ben Wilson and Michael Berk join Dave for this week's crossover episode. They discuss applying machine learning, deep learning, and algorithm. They also dive into how artificial intelligence changes the future.
Podcast 01

How to Make Money at Open Source - RUBY 593

May 04, 2023 · Episode 593
Victoria Melnikova is the Head of BizDev at Evil Martians. She joins the show to talk about, How to turn an open-source project into a profitable business. She begins the show by talking about Evil Martians and the services that they offer. She dives into commercial open-source. Moreover, she shares her perspective on how to grow an open-source project and how to monetize it.
Podcast 01

Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications - RUBY 592

Apr 26, 2023 · Episode 592
Dave and Valentino join this week's panelist episode to talk about Deployment in Rails. Dave begins by explaining the app deployment process and talks about deploying apps with MRSK. They also talk about some of the deployment tools you can use and things to consider.
Podcast 01

Server-Side Request Forgery with Greg Molnar - RUBY 591

Apr 19, 2023 · Episode 591
Greg Molnar is a Ruby Developer and OSCP Penetration Tester. He joins the Rogues to talk about Server-Side Request Forgery in Rails. He begins by explaining what Server-Side Request Forgery is and its significance. They also discuss the state of security in Rails and provide their views on the best ways to secure your applications.
Podcast 01

The Best of Ruby and JavaScript in 2023 - RUBY 590

Apr 13, 2023 · Episode 590
Hosts of the JavaScript Jabber Podcast, Dan Shappir, and Steve Edwards join the Rogues on this week's crossover episode. They talk about both of the framework's useful features and how the JavaScript framework may be applied when creating Ruby applications. Additionally, they tackle each of their advantages and disadvantages.
Podcast 01

Ruby Packs, Gems and Modularization with Alex Evanczuk - RUBY 589

Apr 06, 2023 · Episode 589
Alex Evanczuk is a Software Engineer at Gusto. He joins the show alongside Chuck and Valentino to discuss, "A How-to Guide to Ruby Packs, Gusto’s Gem Ecosystem for Modularizing Ruby Applications". He begins by explaining what Ruby Packs, Gems, and Modularization are and how it impacts Ruby applications.
Podcast 01

Organizing Local Ruby Conferences (like Blue Ridge Ruby Conference) - Ruby 588

Mar 29, 2023 · Episode 588
Jeremy Smith is a Designer & Rails Developer and Mark Locklear is a Web Developer at the eXtension Foundation. They join the show alongside Chuck to talk about the Blue Ridge Ruby Conference. They go into detail about their conference-attending experiences and what motivated them to plan their own event. Additionally, they talk about their preparations for making the event successful.
Podcast 01

Pitchfork, Falcon, and Performant HTTP Servers - RUBY 587

Mar 22, 2023 · Episode 587
Jean Boussier is a Staff Engineer on Shopify's Ruby and Rails infrastructure team. He joins the show to talk about pitchfork. He begins by defining the pitchfork and describing how the application concept works. Moreover, he explains the reason why he wrote it and tackles some of its useful features.
Album Art
Latest Episode: Rules of OOP in Pictures with Ivan Nemytchenko - RUBY 668
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