Show Notes
Justin Searls (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code)
01:33 - Justin Searls
01:33 - Justin Searls
Test Double
02:14 - Jasmine
Pivotal Labs
03:42 - Testing JavaScript
05:29 - CoffeeScript
07:22 - What Jasmine is
Unit testing library RSpec DOM agnostic
10:16 - Testing the DOM
14:01 - Tragedy of the commons
18:29 - Testing
23:53 - Syntax in Jasmine
26:23 - RSpec and Jasmine
28:07 - Async support in Jasmine
32:18 - Spies
mockito Conditional stubbing jasmine-stealth jasmine-fixture
37:30 - jasmine-given
43:19 - Running Jasmine
49:17 -
Running MongoDB on AWS (Jamison) The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin (Joe) Squire.js (Joe and Merrick) Rdio app (Merrick) Square (AJ) (AJ) Jenkins CI (Chuck) Apple’s Podcast app (Chuck) lineman (Justin) StarTalk Radio Show with Neil Degrasse Tyson (Justin) To The Moon PC Game (Justin)
JAMISON: Holy cow!
JAMISON: Holy cow!
JOE: That was not annoying.
CHUCK: What’s not annoying?
MERRICK: He is punching a bag of Fritos?
JOE: Yeah.
CHUCK: Well, I was closing it up so they don’t get stale as fast.
JOE: You’re very thorough. Those are going to be the least stale…
MERRICK: Do you have like a Frito resealer or something?
[Shrill sound]
CHUCK: Okay, sealed.
[This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.]
[Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at]
CHUCK: Hey everybody, and welcome to Episode 38 of the JavaScript Jabber show. This week on our panel, we have Jamison Dance.
JAMISON: Hi guys!
CHUCK: Joe Eames.
JOE: Howdy?
CHUCK: Merrick Christensen.
MERRICK: What’s up?
CHUCK: AJ O’Neal is trying to join the call. He’s here.
AJ: Yo! Yo! Yo! Coming at you live from the Rental Agreement sphere of Provo, Utah.
MERRICK: He lives!
CHUCK: I’m Charles Max Wood from And this week, we have a special guest. That’s Justin Searls.
JUSTIN: Hello.
CHUCK: So, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, Justin?
JUSTIN: Okay. Well, now that I’m on the spot, my name is Justin. I’m a software developer. I live in Columbus, Ohio. About a year ago, me and a guy named Todd Kaufman started a new company called Test Double. Previously, he and I had been doing consulting for a long, long time. And we’re up to eight people now. And we have a good time building software with an emphasis on terrific interaction design which has resulted in us kind of developing a specialty for well-crafted frontend code, predominantly JavaScript. And I imagine that’s probably why I’m here today.
CHUCK: Awesome. Alright. Well, we brought you on to talk about Jasmine. Jasmine was written by, was it Pivotal Labs?
JUSTIN: Yeah, Pivotal Labs guys. A guy names Christian Williams who I think has since moved on to Square, and D.W. Frank who’s still at Pivotal. They wrote the core library and me and a whole bunch of other people in the community have piled on with different runners and add-ons and extensions in the sort of like little ecosystem of the 25 people who write unit tests for JavaScript.
CHUCK: All 25 of you, huh?
JUSTIN: Well, it’s not a lot, right? It’s been a fun journey of being one of the very few people who really, really got excited or chose to get excited about making it easier for folks to write tests in JavaScript or as easy as it would be for whatever servers and language they’d be using.
Special Guest: Justin Searls.

038 JSJ Jasmine with Justin Searls
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