The panelists talk to Isaac Schleuter and Mikeal Rogers about io.js.
Pamela Fox and the rest of the gang talk about teaching programming and Computer Science.
The panel discusses Share.js with Joseph Gentle
The panelists talk to Jenn Schiffer about using art to get and keep people interested in programming.
The panelists talk about the Mozilla Developer Network with Les Orchard and David Walsh.
The panelists talk {Track:js} with Todd Gardner.
The panelists talk to Henrik Joreteg and Philip Roberts of &yet.
The Panelists talk to the creator of the Smallest Federated Wiki, Ward Cunningham.
The panelists discuss remote work with Mike Hostetler.
The panelists talk about MV Frameworks with Craig McKeachie.
The panelists talk to Dave Nugent about organizing conferences and Meetups.
The panelists talk about browser tools and extensions.
The panelists talk about the famo.us framework with Steve Newcomb.
The panelists discuss changes in the npm package manager with Forrest Norvell, Rebecca Turner, Ben Coe, and Isaac Z....
The panelists discuss the Ionic Framework with Max Lynch and Tyler Renelle.
The panelists discuss WebGL with Sean Griffin.
The panelists talk to Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript.
The panelists chat with Erik Arvidsson about Traceur.
The panelists talk to Guillermo Rauch about Socket.io.
The panelists discuss Broccoli.js with its creator, Jo Liss.
The panelists talk to Rob Dodson and Eric Bidelman about the Google Polymer project and Google I/O.
The panelists talk about what skills you need to be considered a professional web developer.
The panelists discuss jQuery vs KendoUI with Burke Holland and TJ VanToll.
the panelists discuss the ES6 module loader polyfill, SystemJS, and jspm with Guy Bedford.
The panelists talk to Elliot Kember about asynchronous UI and non-blocking interactions.
The panelists talk to Reginald Braithwaite about the dynamics of the JavaScript community.
The panelists talk about refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework with Brandon Hays.
The panelists talk to Erik Bryn about the Ember.js project.
The panelists discuss zone.js with Brian Ford.
The panelists discuss dependency injection with Vojta Jína & Misko Hevery.
The panelists have Igor Minar back on the show to discuss AngularJS in detail.
The panelists talk to David Nolen about ClojureScript and Om.
The panelists talk to Julie Ralph about AngularJS's protractor.
The panelists discuss JSConf and conference organization with Chris Williams.
The panelists discuss hypermedia APIs with Steve Klabnik
The panelists talk to Raquel Vélez about robotics and JavaScript.
The panelists celebrate their 100th episode!
The panelists discuss npm, Inc. with Isaac Schlueter, Laurie Voss, and Rod Boothby.
The panelists speak with Brian Woodward and Job Schlinkert about Assemble.io.
The panelists talk to Eric Schoffstall, the creator of Gulp.js.
The panelists talk to Dean Sofer about AngularUI.
The panelists discuss The New York Times and JavaScript with Eitan Konigsburg, Alastair Coote and Reed Emmons.
The panelists discuss the MEAN stack with Ward Bell and Valeri Karpov.
The panelists discuss JSON APIs.
The panelists talk about how to create and maintain Users Groups.
The panelists talk to The Node Security Project founder and organizer, Adam Baldwin.
The panelists discuss Ember.js and Discourse with Robin Ward
The panelists discuss Huxley with Pete Hunt
In this episode, the panelists talk Node with Mikeal Rogers.
In this episode, the panelists talk to Matthew Podwysocki about Functional Reactive Programming and RxJS.
Dominic Szablewski joins the Jabber gang to talk about Impact.js, game development, html5, and strategy.
The gang talks to Lo-Dash maintainer John-David Dalton about open source software, performant Javascript, Lo-Dash and...
The panelists discuss the JavaScript community at large.
The panelists talk about code organization and reuse.
The panelists talk to James Burke about Require.js.
The panelists talk about Cloud9.
The panelists talk Browserify with James Halliday.
The panelists discuss Agile development.
The panelists talk to Jeremy Ashkenas about CoffeeScript.
The panelists discuss Knockout.js with Steven Sanderson
The panelists talk about design patterns in JavaScript with Addy Osmani.
Special Guest: Addy Osmani
The panelists discuss whether HTML5 and JavaScript can really replace Flash.
The panelists talk about Node.js.
The panelists discuss online resources for JavaScript Developers.
The panelists discuss Chrome dev tools with Paul Irish.
The panelists discuss JavaScript objects.
The panelists discuss Backbone.js with Jeremy Ashkenas.
The panelists discuss build tools.
The panelists discuss the right way to build web applications.
The panelists discuss asynchronous programming.