Show Notes

Aaron Frost (twitter github blog)
Merrick Christensen (twitter github)
Joe Eames (twitter github blog)
Jamison Dance (twitter github blog)

 01:36 - Aaron Frost Introduction
Web Developer at Domo
1.21 Gigawatts – Chromeapps with Angularjs and Node (Aaron Frost and Dave Geddes) A Manager’s Guide by Aaron Frost

02:21 - ECMAScript and JavaScript
Brendan Eich talking about the Lord Of The Rings Comparison

06:02 - TC39 on ECMA
Notes from the TC39 Meetings

06:44 - ECMAScript:Harmony
 09:59 - ES6 Features
Arrow Functions/Lambdas
Lexical Scoping
Sets & Maps
Equivalent Detection
Binary Data

12:17 - Arrow Functions
 14:23 - Data Proofing Functions
 15:35 - Destructuring
Paths/Nested Destructuring
Destructuring Patterns

17:59 - Default Values
 18:49 - Rest & Default Parameters
 20:39 - Let
Variable Hoisting
Traceur Compiler
Let Expressions & Statements
Blocks & Block Scopes

27:20 - Generators
 28:39 - The Module System
 29:48 - Template Strings
 32:05 - Aaron’s Opinion of Internet Explorer
 36:01 - Using ES6 Today
Tracer Compiler

39:18 - Designing a New Language
Pacific Rim (Joe)
That Conference (Joe)
PHOX (Merrick)
Sqwiggle (Jamison)
NodeConf (Jamison)
Jon Hopkins - Immunity (Jamison)
Tombstone (Aaron)
Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience (Aaron)

Book Club
 JavaScript Allongé with Reginald Braithwaite!  He will join us for an episode to discuss the book on August 1st. The episode will air on August 9th.
 Next Week
 The Application Cache with Jake Archibald
 JAMISON:  Are you guys going to do a doo-wop chorus? I feel like with you all sharing the same microphone, we need some sick vocal harmony.
MERRICK:  I wouldn’t mind starting a JS Jabber a cappella group.
[Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at] 
[This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to and check them out.] 
JAMISON:  Hey everybody and welcome to JavaScript Jabber Episode 68. I am your guest host, Jamison Dance. Chuck is at LoneStar Ruby Conf this week. We have Merrick Christensen.
MERRICK:  What’s up?
JAMISON:  We have Joe Eames.
JOE:  Hey there.
JAMISON:  And we have an incredibly special guest, Aaron Frost.
AARON:  Hello.
MERRICK:  [Laughter] What?
JAMISON:  And he is not British.
AARON:  Coming from across the pond.
MERRICK:  Once you’re gone, I’m going to start using that as my greeting.
AARON:  Well, I wish my name was like that one guy, the Allonge, Reginald Braithwaite.
AARON:  Where it’s like your name’s in British.
JOE:  Yes. Your accent, no. Oh, I would have my name be Benedict Cumberbatch.
AARON:  That’s pretty British too, that name.
JOE:  That’s a very British name, yeah.
AARON:  Wellington something.
JAMISON:  Then you would be the archduke of JavaScript.
AARON:  Yeah.
JOE:  Oh, that would be an awesome title.
AARON:  That’d be great. It’s a good title.
MERRICK:  So Jamison, do you want to talk about why we have Aaron on the show?
JAMISON:  Yeah, I was going to ask him to introduce himself.
AARON:  Oh, great. I’m a web developer at an awesome company called Domo.
JOE:  But what’s your official title?
AARON:  Officially, I don’t know. What are you playing at?
AARON:  Maybe an open web strategist.
JOE:  There you go.
JAMISON:  Social media expert?
AARON:  I don’t know. But I work on our UI team and we’re getting ready to push out a really awesome release that everyone’s going to love. I’m also an author. I’ve published a short book with O’Reilly in May and working on another book.
Special Guest: Aaron Frost.
Album Art
068 JSJ ES6 with Aaron Frost
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