
Podcast 01

iPS 277: 100 Days of SwiftUI with Paul Hudson

Oct 29, 2019 · Episode 277
In this episode of The iPhreaks Show the panel interviews well-known author Paul Hudson. Paul is the creator and editor of Hacking with Swift. He does talks all around the world and writes books about swift. Paul went to the recent WWDC and even managed to write a book while at the conference.
Podcast 01

iPS 276: Automating Painful Things with David House

Oct 22, 2019 · Episode 276
In this episode of The iPhreaks Show the panel interviews David House about Continous Integration and Continuous Delivery. David is an iOS developer currently living in Georgia. He has been working in iOS development since the iOS SDK was int beta. Right now he is working for a health care company, Kaiser Permanente.
Podcast 01

iPS 275: Finding Quality Packages using SwiftPM Library with Dave Verwer

Oct 15, 2019 · Episode 275
In this episode of The iPhreaks Show the panel interviews Dave Verwer about his new SwiftPM Library. Dave is an iOS developer from the UK, he’s been working with iOS since the beginning. He is mostly known for his weekly email newsletter, iOS Dev Weekly, which is released every Friday afternoon.
Podcast 01

iPS 274: iOS Accessibility with Rob Whitaker

Oct 08, 2019 · Episode 274
In this week’s episode of the iPhreaks Show the panel interviews Rob Whitaker, an expert in digital inclusion and accessibility. Rob starts by defining accessibility and explaining why it is important. He explains that 20% of the population has some form of disability, those customers need features to help the navigate applications. Everyone benefits from developers taking the time to think about their app works.
Podcast 01

iPS 273: The Why's and How's of Keeping Current

Sep 24, 2019 · Episode 273
In this week’s episode of The iPhreaks Show, Charles Max Wood (Chuck) shares some of his thoughts and advice for keeping current. He has started a keeping current email course through DevChat.TV and describes what lessons will be taught in this course. He encourages everyone to subscribe to the email course.
Podcast 01

iPS 272: Apple Event Analyzation

Sep 17, 2019 · Episode 272
In this episode of The iPhreaks Show Andrew Madsen and Evan Stone discuss the recent Apple Event and the announcements made there. To start, the panel discusses their thoughts one the event as a whole. The panel was surprised that the event was very product-driven with only a few mentions of software changes. Andrew did notice that when they did talk about the software they introduced it with the hardware as one product, which he enjoyed as a more holistic approach than in previous years.
Podcast 01

iPS 271: The Compass to iOS Developement with Brian Voong

Sep 10, 2019 · Episode 271
In this episode of The iPhreaks Show, the panel interview Brian Voong. Brian runs a YouTube channel where he teaches about iOS development. The episode of his channel that the panel discusses with him is about the Roadmap to iOS development. Brian starts by giving a brief overview of what his video contains and how it is given with the intent to help developers find jobs in the iOS industry.
Podcast 01

iPS 270: Siri in iOS 12 with Gui

Sep 03, 2019 · Episode 270
In this episode, the iPheaks panelist speaks with, their very own, Gui Rambo. Gui shares information about the new features with Siri in iOS 12. Gui talks about the extended integration of Siri with other apps in iOS. The panel continues to discuss the further contextual suggestions of Siri, as well as the customizable features and extensions with Siri. Lastly, Gui talks about a new app, the Shortcuts App, that may make an appearance in iOS 12. This is a great episode to learn more about the upcoming new feature for iOS devices.
Podcast 01

iPS 269: Ray Tracing with Petrie Michael

Aug 27, 2019 · Episode 269
Joining iPhreaks is our new panelist Abbey Jackson, an iOS developer from Vancouver, Canada and our special guest Petrie Michael, an iOS developer from Australia currently working in Japan. Petrie has joined the podcast today to discuss his recent talk at TrySwift about Ray tracing. After defining ray tracing and explaining how it works, Petrie walks the panel through his demonstration for his talk. The panel discusses the technology he uses and how a bigger project becomes much more complex using a Mercedes rendering he did. Petrie introduces binary space partitioning and how this speeds up the process. The panel asks Petrie for recommendations for beginners to graphics, how to get started and what language to use.
Podcast 01

iPS 268: Use Compositional Layout back to iOS11 With This One Simple Trick with Katsumi Kishikawa

Aug 20, 2019 · Episode 268
Katsumi Kishikawa, a talented open source library creator from Japan joins the panel which now includes our newest panelist, Evan Stone, an iOS developer and consultant since 2011 based in San Francisco. Katsumi shares with the panel how he got started and why he created a library that lets you use compositional layout back to iOS11. The panel considers the cool features that can be used with this tool and Katsumi shares some new features he is hoping to implement before the iOS13 release. Katsumi explains how the code tricks the compiler to make possible to backport to older versions of iOS. The challenges in backporting to iOS12 and 11, including orthogonal scrolling is discussed. Katsumi shares a bit about an application he built called Swift-ast-explorer. Impressed with all Katsumi’s work, the panel wonders how he gets all this done and they thank him for sharing his work.
Podcast 01

iPS 267: In Defense of Core Data with Donny Wals

Jul 30, 2019 · Episode 267
Donny Wals joins the panel to discuss his most recent talk at Try!Swift in Tokyo. The panel starts by discussing the most common complaints about Core Data. Donny shares how the changes made in iOS 10 and past updates solve these complaints. The panel discusses migration and how it has changed, making it much simpler and easier to use. Various Core Data features and their use cases are considered.
Podcast 01

iPS 266: The Devchat.tv Mission and Journey with Charles Max Wood

Jul 23, 2019 · Episode 266
Charles talks about his journey as a podcaster and his mission with Devchat.tv. Devchat.tv  is designed to home podcasts that speak to all developer communities. Charles also plans Devchat.tv to host shows for technologies that are on the verge of a breakthrough and will be a lot more widely available in the near future such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). There are new shows being added continuously to reach out to new communities, some examples of which are: a Data Science show, a DevOps show and an Open Source show. As a kid, Charles would record his own shows on a tape recorder. He was always interested in technology.
Podcast 01

iPS 265: Make UIControl More Swifty with Dusan Tadic

Jul 16, 2019 · Episode 265
Dušan Tadić joins the panel to discuss his recent blog post “Make UIControl More Swifty”. Dušan explains why he made it more swifty and what made him decide to improve it. The panel gets to know Dušan; he shares what it’s like working in Germany, what it's like being the only IOS developer in his company and what it’s like working for a product company instead of an agency. Dušan shares his experience learning Objective-C as a Swift developer. The panel discusses debugging apps with rogue notifications.
Podcast 01

iPS 264: Pitching to Swift with Igor Kulman

Jul 09, 2019 · Episode 264
Igor Kulman shares his experience pitching to the Swift evolution process and submitting a proposal. The panel discusses his pitches and his options going forward. Igor explains why he pitched a change to the standard library instead of creating his open source libraries. The panel encourages developers to contribute to Swift. Igor discusses his background with Windows phone, the challenges switching to be an iOS developer and building a Hackintosh computer. The panel compares C# and Swift, considering the new combine framework.
Podcast 01

iPS 263: Swift and AWS Lambda with Jason Zurita

Jul 02, 2019 · Episode 263
Jason Zurita joins the panel to discuss his recent blog post about websites using SwiftUI and AWS Lambda. Jason explains what SwiftUI and AWS Lambda are and how to write server code for serverless sites. The panel asks Jason about writing backend code and using Docker. The other server-side options for SwiftUI are considered. Jason explains why he recommends not templating when using SwiftUI. The panel considers what systems this would work for and using SwiftUI on other platforms.
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