Data Feeds and KDNuggets with Maria Zentsova - ML 064
Mar 03, 2022
Ever feel like you can’t see the forest through the trees? We get it. In this episode, Michael sits down with Maria Zentsova, an ML developer and data analyst who teaches us how to get a handle on our data.
Rethinking ML Monitoring Part 2 - ML 063
Feb 24, 2022
In this episode, Ben and Michael cover more of Shreya Shankar’s deep dive into ML monitoring, including the biggest production challenges, what you NEED to know about adversarial attacks, and how to conduct effective tests and never make past mistakes again.
How To Do Post-Production with Abhilash Pattnaik - ML 062
Feb 18, 2022
If you’re feeling a little nervous about your baby leaving the nest, we get it. In this episode, Ben and Daniel talk with Abhilash Pattnaik, where they discuss the ONE fact about ML you can’t forget, the do’s and don’ts about applying alerts, and the often-forgotten truth about data drift.
Accurate Predictive Modeling with Maarit Widmann - ML 061
Feb 10, 2022
Ready to dive DEEP into predictive modeling? You’ve come to the right podcast. In this episode, Ben and Michael sit down with Maarit Widmann, a data scientist whose bread and butter is making models more accurate. They discuss how to effectively use confusion matrices and other tools, why you need to avoid THIS misconception to get accurate churn rates, and the BIG question you should be asking if your data seems off.
Rethinking ML Monitoring - ML 060
Feb 03, 2022
Mo’ advancements mean mo’ problems, and today, Michael and Ben are diving into the biggest issues of ML monitoring in 2022. They lay out the ELEVEN (cause nothing good comes easy) potential pitfalls that you should know this year, the important questions that you NEED to ask yourself before launching your baby, and this ONE phenomenon that reveals a fundamental flaw in models versus the real deal.
Solving the Real Issues with the MLflow Team - ML 059Weichen Xu
Jan 27, 2022
If you’re looking for a team that actually cares about the issues you’re facing, look no further than Databricks, and they’ve got something exciting out. In this episode, Michael and Ben welcome on the development team of MLflow, an open-source lifecycle manager for machine learning. They cover how Databricks is redefining how developers and engineers collaborate, the reason behind Databricks’ crazy success, and the number ONE most important testing structure for any development team.
Cows, Camels, and the Human Brain - ML 058
Jan 20, 2022
What do cows and camels have to do with the human brain? The latest developments in machine learning, of course! In this episode, Michael and Ben dive into a new white paper from Facebook AI researchers that reveals a LOT about the future of modeling. They discuss “cows and camels”, the question of predictive vs causal modeling, and how algorithms are getting scary good at emulating the human brain these days.
Business Objectives and KPIs with Michael Berk
Jan 06, 2022
Want to know how businesses are measuring their success nowadays? In this episode, Ben talks with Michael Berk about how businesses are leveraging numerous performance metrics to stay on top of their game. The two emphasize what your FIRST step should be, why A/B testing is not just for marketers, and the “elephant in the room” that determines how KPIs should be integrated.
Prediction Intervals - ML 056
Dec 16, 2021
Michael and Ben talk about Prediction Intervals. They discuss how to put intervals around your predictions and then aiming for a certain level of confidence.
3 Fundamental Pillars You Need to Succeed as an Entrepreneur - BONUS
Dec 14, 2021
Mani has summarized hundreds of business books that outline how to build, grow, and operate a business and he shares his expertise with Chuck and the listeners in this special episode.
Chuck and Mani discuss what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. They talk about their businesses on a regular basis and Chuck's been getting a lot of requests for entrepreneurship help.
He and Mani talk about the 3 primary things that add momentum to your business and help you keep the momentum up when setbacks come your way.
How to Integrate ML and Data Science Systems to Web and Mobile Apps - ML 055
Dec 02, 2021
Ben and Chuck put their areas of expertise together to discuss how you could build Machine Learning into web and mobile applications.
They discuss the various ways data scientists and Machine Learning engineers can use their expertise to build engines and provide data and results to web and mobile developers.
BONUS: How to do LARGE Volumes of HIGH Quality Work - While Spending Fewer Hours Working
Nov 25, 2021
Mani provides us with strategies and tactics to get Deep Work time and how to get our minds into that focused state for hours at a time.
He has read hundreds of books that have taught him the secrets to getting more done by getting into this state.
Tools, Tricks, and Learning in Machine Learning ft. Aliaksei Mikhailiuk - ML 054
Nov 18, 2021
Aliaksei Mikhailiuk joins the Adventure to discuss the tools he wishes he'd mastered before getting his PhD in Machine Learning.
However, the conversation meanders through his background, what qualifications people should have, algorithms, and approaches to machine learning along with the tools discussion.
A/B Testing with ML ft. Michael Berk - ML 053
Nov 11, 2021
Michael Berk joins the adventure to discuss how he uses Machine Learning within the context of A/B testing features within applications and how to know when you have a viable test option for your setup.
Data Paradoxes in Data Sets with Pier Paolo Ippolito - ML 052
Nov 04, 2021
Pier Paolo Ippolito joins the adventure to discuss some of the paradoxes or counterintuitive generalizations people make about their datasets. Ben, Chuck, and Pier dive into how to look at statistical data and how to identify trends in the data.
Latest Episode: Cows, Camels, and the Human Brain - ML 182
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