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Angular Elements, Annex & Storybook with Brad McAlister - AiA 439
Jan 09, 2025
In this episode of Adventures in Angular, Brad McAlister joins our regular panelists: Alyssa, Chris and Brooks! Brad walks us through his work of transitioning into an Annex Monorepo and how working with Angular Elements in conjunction has been going. Brad also breaks down what StoryBook is and how it has helped him in his work flows.

How to Get a 60% Performance Gains with Push Pipe featuring Michael Hladky - AiA 438
Jan 02, 2025
Michael Hladky joins the adventure to discuss how he's gotten a 60% performance increase using push pipe and related techniques.
Many developers can get by without this technology, but Michael explains how to pull the push pipe into your code and what that looks like compared to Zone.js and the default stack in Angular.

Matchmaking NGXS and Firebase with Joaquin Cid - AiA 437
Dec 26, 2024
Joaquin Cid is an Argentinian developer who has built a plugin for NGXS state library that allows developers to connect to Firebase and have their queries automatically import into NGXS. Further, it also allows them to define actions that will update their datastore when triggered.

Practical Applications of RxJS in Angular Development - AiA 436
Dec 19, 2024
In today's episode, Lucas is joined by Jason Akbar, a full-stack software engineer who’s got a knack for front-end development. He recently penned some intriguing articles on Medium about RxJS operators. He will reveal what motivated him to write about RxJS operators, especially focusing on the top 17 operators that every Angular developer should know. They will break down each of these operators—like the map, filter, and debounce time—and discuss how they can streamline your Angular development. Jason will also touch on some of the lesser-known but incredibly useful operators like concat and merge, providing real-world examples of where these can come in handy.

Azure Cognitive Services with Ankit Sharma - AiA 435
Dec 12, 2024
Ankit Sharma, an Angular GDE and author, joins us in this episode of Adventures in Angular to talk about using Azure cognitive services with Angular.

Power Up Angular with RXjs with Armen Vardanyan - AiA 434
Dec 05, 2024
Armen Vardanyan is an Armenian Angular developer who works extensively with both angular and RXjs. He walks Chuck through the ins and outs of how he uses RXjs to expand the functionality of his Angular applications and how to think about observables in general.

Getting your Components to Communicate with Ravi Veliyat - AiA 433
Nov 28, 2024
Ravi Veliyat helps train people in many web technologies, Angular being one of them. The panel discusses the various ways you can get your components to communicate, from inputs and outputs all the way up to NgRx. Ravi walks through the different options, with great examples that will keep you on the edge of your headphones.

Managing and Capturing Errors in Angular ft. Philipp Kief - AiA 432
Nov 21, 2024
Philipp Kief is a German developer who walks through how to manage and capture errors in your Angular application and how to display them to users. He discusses how he standardized error handlers in his applications and what he does to make sure that they get logged someplace.

Web Components for Cross Framework Development with Nishu Goel - AiA 431
Nov 14, 2024
Nishu Goel joins the Adventure to talk about how Web Components can be used in Angular applications and how to use them to share functionality across multiple applications written in different frameworks. We also dive into how web components are used and compatibility across browsers.

Profiling Angular Apps with Gil Fink - AiA 430
Oct 24, 2024
The illustrious and well-regarded Gil Fink joins the Adventures in Angular panel to talk about profiling your Angular apps. Profiling consists of finding bottlenecks, and memory leaks among other problems within your application. Most of the time, the problems are hard to see from the development side. Usually, they appear when your user uses a devise that is slow or a connection that is faulty. Gil explains how to find and fix them.Panel

Leveraging Event Sourcing: Enhancing Scalability and Consistency in Front-end and Back-end - AiA 429
Oct 17, 2024
In this episode, Lucas, Armen, and Subrat are joined by Luis Galeas, the CEO and founder of Ambar. Today's discussion dives into the fascinating world of event sourcing, exploring its intricacies in both front-end and back-end development.

Is There Benefits from Working From Home with Will Gant - AiA 428
Oct 10, 2024
In this episode of Adventures in Angular, Will Gant, author of Remote Work talks about working from home and working outside of the client's office. He and Brooks share their experience with working through the challenges, benefits, and methods of working remotely.

Data Mocking with Dave Cooper - AiA 427
Oct 03, 2024
In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Dave Cooper, who recently gave a talk at AngularConnect about using Mock Data. Dave starts by explaining more about his talk and sharing the benefits of using data mocking solutions and rapid prototyping. He shares the secrets of doing rapid prototyping.

Managing Component State the Sane Way with Freddy Montes - AiA 426
Sep 26, 2024
Freddy Montes joins the adventure to discuss how he and his team manage state in their Angular components.
Many development teams instinctively reach for a solution like ngrx when they're building their angular apps and start seeing complex state. However, there's a lot of boilerplate and it's often overkill for small to medium apps.
Freddy talks about his journey into managing state for his components using observables and basic state libraries.

Cross Platform Angular with Richard Sithole - AiA 425
Sep 12, 2024
Have you ever thought how nice it'd be to write your apps for desktop and mobile alongside the web? Richard Sithole joins the adventure to discuss how to pull a desktop app and mobile app into your repo using electron and capacitor to extend the functionality to new platforms.

Latest Episode: Angular Elements, Annex & Storybook with Brad McAlister - AiA 439
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