FS 299: Beyond Burnout - How to Work Hard and Enjoy Life with Dr. Sherry Walling
In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, the panel discusses: “Beyond Burnout - How to Work Hard and Enjoy Life.” Dr. Sherry Walling is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience treating stress-related problems in high achieving people. She is an academic and professional powerhouse with master’s degrees in psychology and theology, formal training as a yoga teaching, and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology.
Show Notes
- Jeremy Green
- Jonathan Stark
- Reuven Lerner
Special Guest: Sherry Walling, Ph.D.
In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, the panel discusses: “Beyond Burnout - How to Work Hard and Enjoy Life.” Dr. Sherry Walling is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience treating stress-related problems in high achieving people. She is an academic and professional powerhouse with master’s degrees in psychology and theology, formal training as a yoga teaching, and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. For more biographical information, please checkout: https://zenfounder.com/about/.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- How to Prioritize Your Life
- Great start – you found something that you love to do as far as work!
- Have a variety of things going on in your life.
- Have backup strategies in play.
- “Make it big plan” is a low frequency event.
- Are there areas where freelancers chronically under invest in?
- Sleep
- Diet
- Exercise
- It’s easy to neglect your body.
- Time with friends
- Connecting you with human beings.
- Connections with online friends are great, but real-life friendships are better for mental health because we connect better with three-dimensional people.
- If you make the investments into yourself (sleeping, eating well, exercising) this will better your business.
- This notion of should or shouldn’t do X, Y, Z.
- Paul Jarris’ newsletter: Defining What Enough Is For You?
- Budgeting together as a family.
- Gives you a clear sense of what “enough” is for you and your family.
- Examples:
- Elon Musk
- Works 24/7 and is CEO of many companies.
- Admired by many, but lifestyle seems toxic to some.
- Wisdom is knowing your own personal limits.
- Silicon Valley, CA
- Patrick Collison
- Humble person
- Dr. Walling was very impressed on how aware he is as a person.
- He recognizes that the right events were in-place and he put in the work, too.
- Elon Musk
- Burnout – different stages and things we can do to address burnout
- Burnout is a syndrome where people feel detached from their work. They feel like their input does not equal their output.
- It’s subjective.
- It’s caused by too much work, feeling out-of-control in your work, a mismatch of daily tasks versus what needs to be done, not enough support, and working with clients who are emotionally draining, etc.
- Scientifically we can view a brain that is burned-out.
- Other health problems can arise due to stress.
- We know how to prevent it and how people can recover.
- It could take a few weeks in order to regain a healthy lifestyle to recover from burnout.
- Road to recovery
- 30% of adults experience burnout in some point in their life.
- Dr. Christina Maslach
- Her research is focused on burnout.
- Time is finite and life is finite.
- You will choose things that are more gratifying for you and your life.
- Sometimes we forget the “love” piece.
- I choose to do the activities that really bring me joy.
- This will help with the longevity of your business.
- Not things that you feel like you “should.”
- Listen to the emotional quality to your work to help prevent potential burnout.
- Hobbies
- If you have some hobbies like yoga, fishing, painting, baking, knitting etc. it can definitely help prevent burnout.
- Hobbies are good for a sense of accomplishment.
- Mastery and it feeds your soul.
- Protecting Personal Relationships
- Rhythms and structures in our relationships.
- Regularity of date night once a week (for example) helps establishing this routine.
- The same is true for friendships.
- Find a good mentor.
- Grow together and it’s great for psychological support.
- Fitness goals
- If you don’t use it, you will loose it.
- This gets more important the older you get.
- Rhythms and structures in our relationships.
Jonathan Stark
- valuepricingbootcamp.com
- Your Productized Consulting Guide
- howtobulilduourfirstproductizedservice.com
- James Clear: Building Habits – mailing list
Jeremy Green
Rueven Lerner
Dr. Sherry Walling

FS 299: Beyond Burnout - How to Work Hard and Enjoy Life with Dr. Sherry Walling
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