222 FS Burned Out and Overwhelmed
Show Notes
1:00: Topic Introduction
- Burnout
3:15: Set workday and structure
- Work from home vs. coworking space
- Family time
- Podcast Motor
8:00: How Chuck’s business makes money
- Philip’s explanation of how he runs his business
- Time vs. money
- Prioritizing
13:50: What is burnout?
- An opportunity for transformation
- Too tired, too overwhelmed
15:25: The importance of saying no
- “I can’t do it all.”
- Ask yourself what’s profitable
- Construct something to fill the void of working less
- Take a day off
22:00: Keeping commitments
25:10: Automate and delegate
- Training others to take on some of the work
- Just work on the important stuff
30:45: The importance of sleep
32:00: Pre-planning
- Planning ahead of time for the week
- Derailment from the plan
36:20: Business and discipline
- Limiting checking email
- Interruptions: Slack, Skype, Instant Messenger
43:00 Talk about it
- It’s not only you
Gimlet Science Vs (Reuven)
Huawei P9 Phone (Reuven)
Fish farms, fishing, family time (Charles)
Neighborhood groups on Facebook
Paradise is There, Natalie Merchant (Philip)
222 FS Burned Out and Overwhelmed
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