Show Notes
01:44 - Jason Mundok Introduction
03:47 - Enjoying Work; Finding Passion and Fulfillment
- Three Dimensions:
- What it is that you are supposed to be doing? (that actual stuff that you're passionate about)
- Where you do it (in which industries you need to work)
- How you do it (your work culture)
11:03 - Finding Your “Why”
- The Freelancers' Show Episode #202: Live from MicroConf: Managing a Team with Anders Thue Pedersen
- Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
- Joshua Fields Millburn: 'Follow Your Passion' is Crappy Advice (Minimalist Article)
- So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport
17:42 - Advising People in Consulting
- Implementing Processes
- Confidence and Conflict
- Personality Types and Finding the Right Fit
24:52 - Self-defeating Patterns; Making Changes
33:35 - Company Culture
42:29 - Passion
More from Jason
- EngineerWorth (Philip)
- Unplugging from technology (Chuck)
- Hosting a retreat (Chuck)
- Glympse (Chuck)
- The Minimalists Blog (Jason)
- Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (Jason)
212 FS Finding Fulfillment with Jason Mundok
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