Ruby Rogues
093 RR Security Exploits with Patrick McKenzie
Ruby Rogues
092 RR Picksplosion!
Ruby Rogues
091 RR The Ruby Design Process with Brian Shirai
Ruby Rogues
090 RR Ruby Nuby Episode
Ruby Rogues
089 RR Rescue Projects
Ruby Rogues
088 RR Concurrency and Celluloid with Tony Arcieri
Ruby Rogues
087 RR Book Club: Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby with Sandi Metz
Ruby Rogues
086 RR Learning From The Past with Arlen Walker
Ruby Rogues
085 RR Cloud Computing with Wesley Beary
Ruby Rogues
084 RR Github with Zach Holman
Ruby Rogues
083 RR Decomposing Fat Models with Bryan Helmkamp
Ruby Rogues
Ruby Bits Code School
Ruby Rogues
082 RR Vagrant with Michael Ries
Ruby Rogues
081 RR Rails 4 with Aaron Patterson
Ruby Rogues
080 RR Practical Metaprogramming with Steven Harms