Ruby Rogues
184 RR What We Actually Know About Software Development and Why We Believe It's True with Greg Wilson and Andreas Stefik
Ruby Rogues
183 RR Consequences of Technology with Ben Hammersley
Ruby Rogues
182 RR Keeping Libraries and Utilities Small and Simple with Michel Martens
Ruby Rogues
181 RR RubyInstaller with Luis Lavena
Ruby Rogues
180 RR Barriers to New Developers with Kinsey Ann Durham
Ruby Rogues
179 RR Accountability and Diversity with Meagan Waller
Ruby Rogues
178 RR - Book Club: Refactoring Ruby with Martin Fowler
Ruby Rogues
177 RR Creativity and Technology
Ruby Rogues
176 RR Rails as an SOA Client with Pete Hodgson
Ruby Rogues
175 RR Civic Hacking with William Jeffries
Ruby Rogues
174 Rubygems with Eric Hodel
Ruby Rogues
173 RR ActiveRecord CRUD
Ruby Rogues
172 RR Extreme Deployment with Badri Janakiraman and Florian Motlik
Ruby Rogues
171 RR Evaluating Yourself
Ruby Rogues
170 RR Padrino with Dario Cravero, Nathan Esquenazi, & Arthur Chiu