Navigating React Navigation with Zain Sajjad - RRU 236
Zain Sajjad is a frontend developer at his company Peekaboo Guru, an app built in React. The show begins with Zain explaining why he chose to build Peekaboo Guru in React. Ultimately, he chose React for its composability and reusability. He talks about how much data is shared between his React and React Native applications.
Hosted by:
Thomas Aylott
Show Notes
Zain Sajjad is a frontend developer at his company Peekaboo Guru, an app built in React. The show begins with Zain explaining why he chose to build Peekaboo Guru in React. Ultimately, he chose React for its composability and reusability. He talks about how much data is shared between his React and React Native applications.
Zain explains what he means by a container since he is not talking about Docker, and how he has the app organized. He talks about the differences between routing and navigation between React and React Native. When approaching these differences, he breaks things down into components, containers, and platform, paying careful attention to how they work together. This differentiation can actually help a lot with testing as well.
- Chuck's Resume Template
- Raygun - Application Monitoring For Web & Mobile Apps
- Become a Top 1% Dev with a Top End Devs Membership
- Peekaboo Guru
- React
- React Native
- React Native Navigation
- React Navigation
- TensorFlow
- Fun Fun Function
- Immer.js
- Lucas - Ember.js
- Lucas - 3Blue1Brown
- Thomas - Rite in the Rain notepad

Navigating React Navigation with Zain Sajjad - RRU 236
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