Author - Thomas Aylott


React Round Up

Stay current on the latest innovations and technologies in the React community by listening to our panel of React and Web Development Experts.

303 Episodes


RRU 060: Linked lists in the Wild: React Hooks with Conlin Durbin

Conlin Durbin is a front end software engineer for a company called Lessonly and occasionally writes about React....


May 07, 2019

RRU 053: Framer X and Web Development of the Past with Thomas Aylott

In this episode of React Round Up, Thomas Aylott, Founder at Things That Do Stuff, gives an overview of Framer X,...


Mar 19, 2019

Building Resilient Architecture with Monica Lent - RRU 252

Monica Lent has been interested in software from a very young age, and made her first domain name when she was 9...

Mar 27, 2024

How Do I Introduce New Tech at Work? - RRU 237

Today the panel is discussing how to introduce new tech at work. They agree that it’s important to get input from all...


Nov 07, 2023

Navigating React Navigation with Zain Sajjad - RRU 236

Zain Sajjad is a frontend developer at his company Peekaboo Guru, an app built in React. The show begins with Zain...


Oct 17, 2023

The State Machines in React with David Khourshid - RRU 234

David Khourshid is the author of a library called Xstate, He has been a developer for 7 years, currently works for...


Oct 04, 2023

 React Best Practices - RRU 233

In this week’s episode of React Round Up the panel works their way through a blog post outlining best practices for...


Sep 27, 2023

RRU 119: Building Web and Mobile Apps with Ely Lucas

Ionic’s own Ely Lucas joins the React Round Up panel to discuss building the Ionic framework to work with React under...


Sep 22, 2020

RRU 118: Creating Live Trippy Visuals with WebGL and Web Audio with Alex Kempton

In this episode of React Round Up, Alex Kempton joins us to talk about Hedron, a tool he built for enhancing live...


Sep 15, 2020

RRU 102: UI Components-Open Source vs. Paid with TJ VanToll

TJ VanToll hops on the Round Up to discuss when and where it makes sense to use open source UI components versus...


Mar 03, 2020

 RRU 101: Military Veterans, How to Learn, and With You With Me with Travis Ralph

Travis Ralph works with With You With Me to help veterans transition from military service to IT jobs. He discusses...


Feb 25, 2020

RRU 099: Scale: In a React Code Base with Tejas Kumar

Tejas, Thomas, and Chuck talk about what Design Systems are, how they're used, and what goes into building them. The...


Feb 11, 2020

RRU 097: State Management and React Component Design with Becca Bailey

Guest Becca Bailey gave a talk at ReactConf in 2019 called The State of React State in 2019 and will be giving...


Jan 28, 2020

RRU 092: The Future of APIs, GraphQL, and Developer Tooling with Sean Grove

Today the panel and Sean Grove are talking about the future of programming with GraphQL. GraphQL is a new way of...


Dec 17, 2019

RRU 091: React Best Practices

In this week’s episode of React Round Up the panel works their way through a blog post outlining best practices for...


Dec 10, 2019

RRU 090: How Do I Introduce New Tech at Work?

Today the panel is discussing how to introduce new tech at work. They agree that it’s important to get input from all...


Dec 03, 2019

RRU 088: Frustrations with React Hooks with Paul Cowan

Paul Cowan was a painter and decorator for 30 years until he switched to front end development. He got into React...


Nov 19, 2019

RRU 087: The why-did-you-render Library and React Performance with Vitali Zaidman

Vitali Zaidman works for the WellDone Software consultancy. He has worked with a lot of different technologies, but...


Nov 12, 2019

RRU 086: Gatsby Themes with Chris Biscardi

In this episode of React Round Up the panel interviews Chris Biscardi. Chris is now working with Gatsby. He shares a...


Nov 05, 2019

RRU 085: Building Resilient Architecture with Monica Lent

Monica Lent has been interested in software from a very young age, and made her first domain name when she was 9...


Oct 29, 2019

RRU 082: Progressive SSR with Dinesh Pandiyan

Dinesh Pandiyan is a developer from India. He started as a backend engineer and then moved to frontend. Currently he...


Oct 08, 2019

RRU 080: Navigating React Navigation with Zain Sajjad

Zain Sajjad is a frontend developer at his company Peekaboo Guru, an app built in React. The show begins with Zain...


Sep 24, 2019

RRU 079: State Machines and State Charts with Farzad Yousef Zadeh

Today’s guest is Farzad Yousef Zadeh, a developer from Iran with a unique path into computer programming. He started...


Sep 17, 2019

RRU 078: The Uncanny Valley with Håkon Krogh

Today’s guest is Håkon Krogh, and the panel is discussing his talk on lightning fast SSR React apps given at React...


Sep 10, 2019

RRU 077: Reusing Code Responsibly with Andrey Okonetchnikov

Andrey Okonetchnikov is a specialist in frontend architecture and design systems. He runs his own consultancy and...


Sep 03, 2019

RRU 075: Animations and React Morphe with Bruno Lorenco

Bruno is a developer specializing in multimedia. He is currently building websites with React and the creator of...


Aug 20, 2019

RRU 074: Learning React and TypeScript in Public with Shawn "swyx" Wang

Today’s guest Shawn Wang is a career changer starts off the show about how he got from finance to programming. The...


Aug 13, 2019

RRU 073: TypeScript and ReasonML Christoffer Niska

Christoffer Niska has been in web development for over a decade and works with mainly PHP and JavaScript, but knows...


Aug 06, 2019

RRU 072: React Hooks for Global State and More Custom Hooks with Daishi Kato

Todays guest Daishi Kato is a freelance programmer and has many open source libraries. He starts off by talking about...


Jul 30, 2019

RRU 071: The Importance of Moderation and Chaos

Today, Lucas and Thomas discuss how companies enforce what technology gets used, especially when companies get really...


Jul 23, 2019

RRU 070: Drawing the Line Between 3rd Party and Custom Code with Glenn Reyes

Special guest Glenn is a software programmer based in Vienna, Austria and has been working in programming since 2013....


Jul 16, 2019

RRU 066:  Accessibility is not a “React Problem” with Leslie Cohn-Wein

Leslie Cohn-Wein joins the panel to discuss accessibility. She explains how she got passionate about accessibility....


Jun 18, 2019

RRU 065: useEffect The Good, the Bad, and the Gotchas

The panel starts by discussing if useEffect is a good API or a bad API. The problems that useEffect solves are...


Jun 11, 2019

RRU 063: Fullstack Development with React

On today’s show the panel discusses what what jobs should be delegated to the front and backend when doing fullstack...


May 28, 2019

RRU 062: Image Lazy Loading in React

Today’s show has the panel discussing image lazy loading in React. Image lazy loading is the notion that images that...


May 21, 2019

RRU 061: Should Companies Have a Dedicated Frontend Team?

Today the panel is discussing the necessity of companies having a dedicated frontend team. They begin by discussing...


May 14, 2019