
Podcast 01

MAS 033: Paul Spears

Apr 18, 2018 · Episode 033
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Paul Spears. Paul works for Oasis Digital, which is a software development firm based out of St. Louis, and teaches at Angular Boot Camp. He first got his career started at Oasis Digital and has been there for around the past 8 years. He first got into programming in early high school/late middle school when he and his Dad would build computers out of scraps they found. This really sparked his interest in computers and led him to pursue software development as a career. They also talk about what he is working on now and what he is most proud of contributing to the community.
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MAS 032: Justin Schwartzenberger

Apr 11, 2018 · Episode 032
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Justin Schwartzenberger. Justin first got into programming when he was in Jr. College and took some classes on C and C++. He has always been someone who has been into technology and has loved playing video games since he was a kid. He got really excited about programming when he was messing around with web development. They talk about what brought him to Angular, what appealed to him the most about it, and what made him stick with it over the years.
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MAS 031: Stephen Fluin

Apr 04, 2018 · Episode 031
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Stephen Fluin. Stephen is a developer advocate on the Angular Core Team at Google. His role has two parts: to help developers and organizations be successful with Angular and to reflect the needs of those developers and understand what it’s like to actually build apps in the real world onto the team so that they can make the right product decisions as they continue to build out Angular. He first got into programming when he was 8 years old and he was interested in how computer games were created and started creating his own games in C and C++.
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MAS 030: Mike Ryan

Mar 28, 2018 · Episode 030
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Mike Ryan. Mike is a software engineer at Synapse in Alabama and works as a tech lead there. He first got into programming when his family stayed with an uncle during a hurricane as a child and was sent home with parts to build his first computer. This really kicked off his interest in programming and problem solving. He then created websites to help pay for some of his living costs when in college, and this is what led him to discovering Angular JS.
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MAS 029: Tracy Lee

Mar 21, 2018 · Episode 029
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Tracy Lee. Tracy is the co-founder This Dot and her goal with it is to bring the JavaScript community together. She first got into programming when she tried to build websites for people and then was interested in learning JavaScript and really fell in love with the community. She really stayed with Angular because of the community she found there, the size of the community, and the fact that it gave her the ability to have a voice.
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MAS 028: Greg Wilson

Mar 14, 2018 · Episode 028
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Greg Wilson. Greg first got into programming when he took a computer class in college and realized that he really loved building software. He then went on to help build the world’s first wireless mouse and get a master’s degree in artificial intelligence. They really stress the importance of analytics and discuss many different studies on coding and bugs in today’s episode.
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MAS 027: Alex Eagle

Feb 28, 2018 · Episode 027
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Alex Eagle. Alex is on the Google Angular team, and has been at Google for almost 10 years now. Currently, he spends most of his time working on development tools. He first got into programming when he was in college and took and intro to CS class and didn’t actually start doing serious coding projects until after he graduated. He was introduced to JavaScript when he first started working at Google and joined the Angular team in order to learn about different languages.
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MAS 026: Houssein Djirdeh

Feb 21, 2018 · Episode 026
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Houssein Djirdeh. Houssein works at Rangle currently and first got into programming during an intro to programming course in college and he initially hated it. A few years later he found out that he really was interested in programming when he wanted to build a website. From there he discovered JavaScript and Angular and has never looked back. He is most proud of his work on multiple Open Source projects and his blog posts.
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MAS 025: Jeff Cross

Feb 14, 2018 · Episode 025
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Jeff Cross. Jeff has been working on Angular for the past five years with Google and now with Nrwl, which he created in the past year. He got stated with programming around 12 years old when his Mom taught him and his siblings how to create websites using FrontPage. He then worked as a web designer utilizing Flash and joined an agency when he was in his 20’s that focused on Flash. Jeff talks about his path to his success and the different steps it took him to get to where he is today.
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MAS 024: Merrick Christensen

Feb 07, 2018 · Episode 024
This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Merrick Christensen. Christensen works at a company called Webflow, where they try to empower people to create software without code. The company is similar to Squarespace or Wix, except they give 100% design control to the client.
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MAS 023: Jesse Liberty

Feb 01, 2018 · Episode 023
This week on My My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Jesse Liberty, Jesse is a return guest, previously on AiA Episode 015. Currently, Jesse is working on mobile applications at Wintellect as a Senior Consultant. Jesse talks about his journey in Angular, starting with getting into computers in high school and college, discovering IBM computers. Then learn Turbo Pascal. C, C++, etc. Jesse shares his recent contributions and current projects.
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MAS 022: Torgeir Helgevold

Jan 24, 2018 · Episode 022
This week on My My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Torgeir Helgevold. Torgeir is a return guest from AiA Episode 108. Torgeir started working for Narwhal Technologies. Torgeir talks about his early path into programming learning Basic in high school, and in college, he moved into building his foundation with C+, Pascal, and others. Torgeir shares his current endeavors as a programmer, contributions and, current projects.
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MAS 021: Lukas Ruebbelke

Jan 10, 2018 · Episode 021
This week on My My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Lukas Ruebbelke. Lukas is a Google Developer Expert for Angular and Firebase. own a product consultant agency. Lukas also maintains a blog at onehungrymind.com, and is the author of AngularJS In Action. Lukas mentions doing over100 of video for egg.io and many speaking events. Lukas talks about his journey into programming by having an interest in electronics. In high school he learned about low voltage electronics switch led him to learn programming, getting an A-plus certification, and computers. Lukas shares the ideas and path to his successful developer career.
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MAS 020: Kent C. Dodds

Jan 04, 2018 · Episode 020
This week on My My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Kent C Dodds. Kent is based in Utah and works at PayPal, as a full stack javascript engineer and contributes to open source projects and works with Angular and React. Kent is an instructor at Egghead.io, Frontend Masters, and is a web development expert.
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MAS 019: Austin McDaniel

Dec 13, 2017 · Episode 019
This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Austin McDaniel. Austin is a return guest and was previously featured on JavaScript Jabber episode 275. Austin talks about his journey getting into programming as an 11year old, to recently, as a web developer with more complex technologies. Austin talks about building widgets, working in Angular, JavaScript, and more in-depth web development on many different platforms. Lastly, Austin talks about his contributions to projects like NGX Charts and speaking at a variety of developer conferences.
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Latest Episode: MAS 110: Michael Hladky
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