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All Things TypeScript with Maina Wycliffe - JSJ 559
Nov 29, 2022
Maina Wycliffe is a Full-stack Software Engineer, Google Developer Expert, and Mentor who currently works at Flanksource. He is a Typescript Enthusiast and is the author of All things Typescript. He joins Chuck and Steve as he shares the reason behind starting his newsletter. His main goal is to teach developers to learn more about it and its typing system.

How To Recession Proof Your Job - BONUS
Nov 24, 2022
Are you looking at all the layoffs and uncertainty going on and wondering if your company is the next to cut back?
Or, maybe you're a freelancer or entrepreneur who is trying to figure out how to deliver more value to gain or retain customers?
Mani Vaya joins Charles Max Wood to discuss the one thing that both of them use to more than double their productivity on a daily basis.
Mani has read 1,000's of productivity books over the last several years and has formulated a methodology for getting more done, but found that he lacked the discipline to follow through on his plans.
The he found the one thing that kept him on track and made him so productive that he is now getting all of his work done and was able to live the life he wants.
Chuck also weighs in on how Mani's technique has worked for him and allows him to spend more time with his wife and kids, run a podcast network, and a nearly full time contract.
Join the episode to learn how Chuck and Mani get into a regular flow state with their work and consistently deliver at work.

Wix Velo with Yoav Abrahami - JSJ 558
Nov 22, 2022
We are joined by Yoav Abrahami, Chief Architect and Head of Velo to discuss the transformation of Wix from a Website builder to an application development platform. Wix Velo enables developers to implement code that runs either on the client-side or on Wix hosted Node server, while constructing the UI using a WYSIWYG page editor. In this way, Wix provides an interesting alternative to app development frameworks such as NextJS and Nuxt.

What Is Functional Programming and What It's Not With Lane Wagner- JSJ 557
Nov 15, 2022
Lane Wagner is the founder of a startup company called Boot.dev. He teaches backend development online in Go, Python, and JavaScript. Lane joins Chuck and Steve as they talk all things Functional Programming. They also talk about its importance and share their thoughts about it. Moreover, Lane also shares his experience with creating boot.dev and the different teaching strategies he uses on his online learning platform.

Stories From The Trenches - JSJ 556
Nov 08, 2022
In this episode the panelists share war stories from their career and the lessons they have learned from them. They discuss things they have done back in their early days in tech, and how they now behave differently given those experiences.

Writing Change-Proof Software with Tests - JSJ 555
Nov 01, 2022
Shai Yalin is a freelance software architect and mentor. He specializes in teaching organizations and individuals how to use Test Driven Development (TDD) and other development methodologies and best practices. In this episode Shai joins us to explain how to use these methods in order to create software that is resilient to change, and how to refactor existing brittle code in order to clean out the rot.

Remix and EpicWeb.dev with Kent C. Dodds - JSJ 554
Oct 25, 2022
Kent C. Dodds is a well-known JavaScript developer who has done myriad development courses and training. He's also done outreach for Remix. He's spoken at tons of conferences and his now working on creating EpicWeb.dev which helps developers become epic web developers.
The Jabber crew starts out talking about learning, teaching, and EpicWeb.dev before going into the changes in the web platform and progressive enhancement and eventually Remix.

Being a New Developer with Diego Moura - JSJ 553
Oct 18, 2022
Diego Mourra is a newer developer who has recently joined the ranks of professional developers. The panel talks to Diego about his career as a fashion designer how he moved to Canada and go into programming.

Dan Shappir's Failed Predictions - JSJ 552
Oct 04, 2022
The panel goes back a few years and reviews some technology predictions that Dan made a few years ago on Quora. These include WASM, Progressive web apps, and others. Most were wrong, but one did end up being sort of accurate. Along the way, they go into some deep rabbit holes but manage to pull themselves out. As always, they end with picks, and Steve's stupendous dad jokes.

Software Development as a Craft with Netta Bondy - JSJ 551
Sep 27, 2022
Today we talk with Netta Bondy, a front end developer at Twang and dive into a discussion about when software development becomes a craft. We discuss the challenges of practicality vs. art, and the challenges of properly crafting code vs. working with popularly adopted methods.

Partytown with Adam Bradley - JSJ 550
Sep 20, 2022
Today we talk with Adam Bradley, the Director of Technology at Builder.io. He previously worked at Ionix as a creator of Ionic Framework, a mobile UI interface builder for web applications, and StencilJS which powers Ionix. Currently he works on both Qwik and Partytown at Builder.io.
In today’s episode we dive into Partytown, discussing the unique ways it improves website performance. When there are so many third-party scripts injected into the average website, you can quickly lose control of speed. We learn how Partytown addresses this with a remote web worker, and how it still gets the data it needs synchronously.

Qwik with Misko Hevery - JSJ 549
Sep 13, 2022
Today we talk with Misko Hevery about solving the loading speed issue for websites constructed using JavaScript frameworks. Such websites are often slow to load, which is detrimental to their ability so succeed. After 16 years at Google, where he created Angular, he now works on the Qwik framework at Builder.io, a headless visual CMS. We learn how Qwik dramatically improves page speed metrics through an innovative architecture that enables resumability instead of hydration. We talk about how this is implemented, and about how you can get started with it.

Web Performance and the Google WordPress Team with Felix Arntz - JSJ 548
Sep 06, 2022
Today we talk with Felix Arntz, a developer relations engineer at Google. Hired on the Google WordPress team, and involved with the Sidekick plugin, we discuss some of the challenges and approaches of improving performance on WordPress sites, as well as other open source CMS’s.

Supply Chain Security with Stephen Chin - BONUS
Sep 02, 2022
There is no question that the volume, sophistication, and severity of software supply chain attacks is on the rise. How do you navigate your supply chain security? Stephen Chin joins the show today to discuss various strategies and action plans for how to best prevent and address these types of attacks.

Even More JavaScript Features You Should Avoid - JSJ 547
Aug 30, 2022
Today’s episode is a continuation of the previous JavaScript Jabber Episode 543, where we discuss JS language features to avoid. Do you agree with the list? Today we talk about:

Latest Episode: What's New in JavaScript: Latest Language Updates and Features - JSJ 666
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