JSJ 379: FindCollabs and Podcasting with Jeff Meyerson
Jeff Meyerson is the host of the Software Engineering daily podcast and has also started a company called FindCollabs, an online platform for finding collaborators and building projects. Jeff started FindCollabs because he believes there are all these amazing tools but people are not combining and collaborating as much as they could, when so much good could be accomplished together. FindCollabs is especially useful for working on side projects. The panelists discuss the problems encountered when you try to collaborate with people over the internet, such as finding people who are facing similar and gauging interest, skill, and availability. Thankfully, FindCollabs has a feature of leaving reviews and rating your partners so that users can accurately gauge other’s skill level. Users can also leave comments about their experience collaborating with others. The only way you can show competence with an interest is to contribute to another project. FindCollabs is also a good place to look for mentors, as well as for Bootcamp graduates or people going through an online coding course. If you are part of an organization, you can create private projects. The company plans to expand this feature to all users in the future.The panelists talk about their past experiences with collaborating with other people.

Show Notes
- Aimee Knight
- AJ O’Neal
- Charles Max Wood
- Adventures in Machine Learning on FindCollabs
- Adventures in Virtual Reality on FindCollabs
- Adventures in Python on FindCollabs
- Adventures in Java on FindCollabs
- Air conditioning
- MFCEO Project
- Follow Jeff @the_prion
- Listen Notes
- Linbin’s Podcast Playlist
- Hidden Forces Podcast