JSJ 294: Node Security with Adam Baldwin
In this episode, JavaScript Jabber panelist speak with Adam Baldwin. Adam is a return guest and has many years of application security experience. Currently, Adam runs the Node Security Project/Node Security Platform, and Lift Security. Adam discusses the latest of security of Node Security with Charles and AJ. Discussion topics cover security in other platforms, dependencies, security habits, breaches, tokens, bit rot or digital atrophy, and adding security to your development.
Special Guests:
Adam Baldwin

Show Notes
Charles Max Wood
AJ O’Neal
Joe Eames
Special Guests: Adam Baldwin
In this episode, JavaScript Jabber panelist speak with Adam Baldwin. Adam is a return guest and has many years of application security experience. Currently, Adam runs the Node Security Project/Node Security Platform, and Lift Security. Adam discusses the latest of security of Node Security with Charles and AJ. Discussion topics cover security in other platforms, dependencies, security habits, breaches, tokens, bit rot or digital atrophy, and adding security to your development.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- What is the Node Security Project/Node Security Platform
- Dependency trees
- Tokens and internal data
- What does Node Security do for me?
- NPX and NSP
- Command Line CIL
- Bit Rot or Digital Atrophy
- How often should you check repos.
- Advisories
- If I NPM install?
- Circle CI or Travis
- NSP Check
- What else could I add to the securities?
- Incorporate security as you build things
- How do you find the vulnerabilities in the NPM packages
- Two Factor authentication for NPM
- Weak Passwords
- OL Dash?
- Install Scripts
- Favorite Security Story?
- And much more!
- Node Security
- Lift Security
- https://github.com/evilpacket
- @nodesecurity
- @liftsecurity
- @adam_baldwin
- This Episode with Adam Baldwin
- Free the Future of Radical Price
- Made In America Sam Walton
- Sonic - VGM Album
Special Guest: Adam Baldwin.

JSJ 294: Node Security with Adam Baldwin
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