.NET 014: At MS Ignite with Scott Hunter
In this episode of Adventures in .NET Shawn Clabough joins Scott Hunter at MS Ignite to talk about .NET Core 3.0 and C#8. Scott starts by explaining what the changes in C# 8.0 means to .NET. They discuss nullable reference types, GRPCs, usings in blocks and side by side support. Shawn shares his experience with pattern matching.
Hosted by:
Shawn Clabough

Special Guests:
Scott Hunter

Show Notes
In this episode of Adventures in .NET Shawn Clabough joins Scott Hunter at MS Ignite to talk about .NET Core 3.0 and C#8. Scott starts by explaining what the changes in C# 8.0 means to .NET. They discuss nullable reference types, GRPCs, usings in blocks and side by side support. Shawn shares his experience with pattern matching.
Scott explains why they no longer backport to older versions of .NET. Scott shares examples of all the apps they broke in the past by backporting changes made in later versions of .NET. Shawn admires their desire to not cause pain to developers by backporting breaking changes. Scott explains why he would choose .NET Core over the .NET Framework. He describes the whats new in side by side and what that could mean for developers
Getting a little sidetracked, Scott clears up any confusion about Blazor Server-side and Blazor Client-side. He explains that he has read and heard about people waiting to use Blazor Client-side because Blazor Server-side is not ready for use. Blazor Server-side is a wonderful and powerful tool, Scott tells listeners. He shares the use cases where you would want to use server-side and client-side.
After getting back on track, Scott and Shawn discuss WPF in WinForms. Scott explains the benefits of moving WPF apps to .NET Core. They discuss ML.net and Microsoft’s goals with AI. The meaning and uses of microservices are considered. They finish the episode by discussing .NET 5.0 and what they are planning.
- Shawn Clabough
- Scott Hunter
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ignite
- https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/machinelearning-ai
- https://try.dot.net/
- www.linkedin.com/in/wai-liu
- https://www.facebook.com/Adventures-in-NET-373059030062837/
- https://twitter.com/dotNET_Podcast
Shawn Clabough:
Special Guest: Scott Hunter.

.NET 014: At MS Ignite with Scott Hunter
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