
Current Authors

Adrian Fâciu

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin

Adrian Marin is a Product-Minded Software Engineer and Creator of Basetool & Avo

Ahmad Anis

Ahmed Bilal

Ahmed ElSayed

Aiden Bai

Aimee Knight

Aimee Knight is a Software Architect and former professional figure skater currently residing in Nashville TN. Outside of work, she's a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies specializing in performance, a panelist on the JavaScript Jabber podcast, and an international keynote speaker. Currently, she specializes in DevOps, JavaScript, React, and CSS however, she's worked extensively in Angular, Node, and Ruby on Rails. Her past involvement includes working at npm, Inc., being a weekly panelist on the Angular Air podcast, a co-organizer for CharmCityJS, and a mentor for Baltimore NodeSchool and Rails Bridge.

 Aja Hammerly

Aja Hammerly is a Visionary Leader | Storyteller | Developer

 Ajay NS

AJ Foster

AJ ONeal

AJ O'Neal worked for Intel, NPR, and Sonos Radio. He became a guest lecturer at UVU, General Assembly, and DevMountain. He also have open-source projects used by Apple, IBM, Mozilla, and Beaker.

Akash Joshi