VoV 113: CSS and Components with Maya Shavin

In this episode of Views on Vue, we talk with Maya Shavin, a Senior Frontend Developer at Cloudinary. We talk about CSS component libraries, CSS-in-JS with Vue, and pros and cons with using libraries like Tailwind CSS. We also discuss Storefront UI, a component library focused on eConmerce.

Special Guests: Maya Shavin

Show Notes

In this episode of Views on Vue, we talk with Maya Shavin, a Senior Frontend Developer at Cloudinary. We talk about CSS component libraries, CSS-in-JS with Vue, and pros and cons with using libraries like Tailwind CSS. We also discuss Storefront UI, a component library focused on eConmerce.
  • Steve Edwards
  • Lindsay Wardell
  • Austin Gil
  • Maya Shavin
Maya Shavin:
Austin Gil:
Lindsay Wardell:
Steve Edwards:
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Special Guest: Maya Shavin .
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VoV 113: CSS and Components with Maya Shavin
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