VoV 107: Cypress Testing with Amir Rustamzadeh
In this episode, we talk to Amir Rustamzadeh about the end-to-end testing framework Cypress. We discuss what it is, what it's useful for, and how to test a Vue application. We also discuss mocking APIs, and how easy it is to get started with Cypress.
Special Guests:
Amir Rustamzadeh

Show Notes
In this episode, we talk to Amir Rustamzadeh about the end-to-end testing framework Cypress. We discuss what it is, what it's useful for, and how to test a Vue application. We also discuss mocking APIs, and how easy it is to get started with Cypress.
- Steve Edwards
- Lindsay Wardell
- Austin Gil
- Amir Rustamzadeh
"The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today!
- cypress.io
- @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress
- Introducing Firefox and Edge Support in Cypress 4.0
- Testing Vue web applications with Vuex data store & REST backend
Austin Gil:
Lindsay Wardell:
- Follow Lindsay on Twitter > @yagaboosh, Github
- COVID19info.live: Real-time Updates & Stats for the Coronavirus
- HEY - Email at its best, new from Basecamp.
Steve Edwards:
- Follow Steve on Twitter > @wonder95, Website
- Vice Verses CD
- Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)
Amir Rustamzadeh:
- Follow Amir on Twitter > @amirrustam, email: amir@cypress.io
- Whimsical: The Visual Workspace
Follow Views on Vue on Twitter > @viewsonvue
Special Guest: Amir Rustamzadeh.

VoV 107: Cypress Testing with Amir Rustamzadeh
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