VoV 101: Real Life Projects Using Vue
Dean and Lindsay talk about the projects they're working on and the technologies they're using. Dean talks about using Apache Cordova and Firebase to build mobile apps. Lindsay is working on building his own card game and short circuited the physical design process by building an electron app. Keep listening to see what else they're working on.
Show Notes
Dean and Lindsay talk about the projects they're working on and the technologies they're using. Dean talks about using Apache Cordova and Firebase to build mobile apps. Lindsay is working on building his own card game and short circuited the physical design process by building an electron app. Keep listening to see what else they're working on.
- Deane Venske
- Lindsay Wardell
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Deane Venske:
- Firebase
- Marak/faker.js
- Soda Stream
Lindsay Wardell:
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VoV 101: Real Life Projects Using Vue
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