VoV 098: Gridsome and Gridsome Plugins
Lindsay has been working with Gridsome for a while and leads the discussion about what Gridsome is and how it works. A bit of time is spent comparing it to Gatsby from the React Ecosystem. Lindsay also walks the panel through the process of building a Gridsome plugin.
Hosted by:
Steve Edwards
Charles Max Wood
Lindsay Wardell
Austin Gil
Deane Venske
Devlin Duldulao

Show Notes
Lindsay has been working with Gridsome for a while and leads the discussion about what Gridsome is and how it works. A bit of time is spent comparing it to Gatsby from the React Ecosystem. Lindsay also walks the panel through the process of building a Gridsome plugin.
- Charles Max Wood
- Lindsay Wardell
- Deane Venske
- Austin Gil
- Devlin Duldulao
- Steve Edwards
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Devlin Duldulao:
Steve Edwards:
- King Kong Apparel
Lindsay Wardell:
Austin Gil:
Deane Venske:
Charles Max Wood:

VoV 098: Gridsome and Gridsome Plugins
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