Show Notes

Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Summer Camp)
Eric Davis (twitter github blog)
Evan Light (twitter github blog)
Jeff Schoolcraft (twitter github blog)

Charge for almost everything
Sometimes the estimate - if you negotiate that
Meetings on the phone
Are you adding value?
Learning new technologies doesn't count unless the client specified that technology
Try to only do one risky thing at a time
Do the risky stuff first
You can discount time if it wasn't well spent
Tell your client that you discount time
Tell them about time you saved
Should we bill for time managing subcontractors?
If the task requires a team, then bill for the additional time managing people
If the task is delegated to a subcontractor when you would be able to do it all yourself, then don't bill the client
Make sure the client understands the terms of hiring you and having subcontractors
Don't violate client expectations
Do you bill for travel time?
Look for opportunities to make the client's life better by coming out and meeting in person
Bill for travel time if the travel is obligatory
Working on the plane can be a way for billing for travel time
Do you bill for invoicing?
Don't bill for the cost of doing business
Bill for email when it adds value
Bill proportionally for lunch meetings or social interactions
Assets vs Services (one-time vs recurring)
They should pay for materials
Recurring expenses (services) should be paid for by the client
Don't pay for and expense hosting to the client - Make them sign up
Bill for research that adds value
Bill for time prototyping the app to get things right
Services mean

SSL Certificates
Error Reporting
Code Repository Hosting

New Relic
Missed calls
Be understanding!
Varies by the relationship
Client smells
Compensating time when sick
Get enough sleep

Game Dev Story - itunes store (Eric)
Ze Frank's A Show - itunes store, website (Evan)
The Avengers movie (Evan)
Blender 3D (Evan)
Blender from Noob to Pro (Evan)
Unity 3D book (Evan)
Tutorials on the Pixelmator website (Evan)
Pixelmator - mac app store (Evan)
Equilibrium movie (Jeff)
iPad3 Retina Lock Screen (Jeff)
Chronomate (Jeff)
Lift Off book (Jeff)
Working with Unix Processes by Jesse Storimer (Chuck)
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki (Chuck)
The Podcast Mastermind (Chuck)

Book Club
We are reading Get Clients Now by C. J. Hayden and will review it sometime in June.
Album Art
The Ruby Freelancers Show 015 – What to Charge For
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