FS 319: Building Your Better Freelance Business in 2019
In this episode of the Freelancers' Show, the panel talks about good practices and habits to build in freelance business in the year 2019. The panel gives examples of what they focused on while building their own freelance business and share how they approached areas such as self-care, financial planning and client acquisition goals in their business.
Show Notes
- Erik Dietrich
- Jeremy Green
- Kai Davis
Episode Summary:
In this episode of the Freelancers' Show, the panel talks about good practices and habits to build in freelance business in the year 2019. The panel gives examples of what they focused on while building their own freelance business and share how they approached areas such as self-care, financial planning and client acquisition goals in their business.
They discuss what strategies to follow during “feasting” cycle and “famine” cycle of business and share tips on how to save for retirement during each cycle. Listen to the show to find out more on which tools to use for bookkeeping and how to communicate with former clients for repeat business and much more!
- Company of One by Paul Jarvis
- Free CRM for Small Businesses - HubSpot
- The Positioning Manual for Technical Firms by Philip Morgan
- https://devchat.tv
Erik Dietrich:
- Free CRM for Small Businesses - HubSpot
- It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
Jeremy Green:
- Bench
- Splice
- The Positioning Manual for Technical Firms by Philip Morgan
- Company of One by Paul Jarvis
Kai Davis:
FS 319: Building Your Better Freelance Business in 2019
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