FS 317: Working on Your Business
In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show Reuven and Jeremy discuss “Working on Your Business.” The discussion covers several topics on how you as a freelancer can carve out time to work on your business. Both Reuven and Jeremy mention how you can learn to start building and maintenance your business for events like retirement and longevity. This is a great episode on learning how to continually stop and take control of tasks your business needs to grow.
Show Notes
- Reuven Lerner
- Jeremy Green
In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show Reuven and Jeremy discuss “Working on Your Business.” The discussion covers several topics on how you as a freelancer can carve out time to work on your business. Both Reuven and Jeremy mention how you can learn to start building and maintenance your business for events like retirement and longevity. This is a great episode on learning how to continually stop and take control of tasks your business needs to grow.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
0:50 - Reuven opens the show by describing what skill are need to be a freelancer and finding the time to work on your business. Jeremy chimes in on trying to find time to work the business by putting time away for business maintenance work.
3:10 - Reuven talks about when he tries to find and fit time into working on his business, like on the train. Jeremy talks about how tasks are sometimes overlooked and take the back seat. But getting a team to help might be the answer to working on your business.
5:00 - Reuven talks about possibly blocking out time during the week or month to work on the business. Or working at night, or before bedtime. Reuven talks about removing the junk and squeezing in the tasks and working on the business. Jeremy talks about juggling client work and building in a business, and how one might want to raise rates to compensate the time.
9:00 - Reuven talks about setting a goal for your income, and raises the question about pension. Revenue task about being satisfied with your income. Reuven talks about a conference with Rob Walling and how Rob talked about buying back your time.
13:30 - Reuven and Jeremy discuss thing you should do after carving out time for working on the business. Jeremy talks about reaching out and expanding for other kinds of great opportunities.
18:00 - Reuven talks about how he likes to expand the business into American companies to grow. Reuven continues with creating products or courses to work on the business. Jeremy mentions how he continually works on the engine of the business, so he does not dread the last two months of the year for paying taxes.
22:00 - Reuven and Jeremy talk about important paperwork they need to get in order to prepare for taxes and documentation. Reuven says another avenue to working on the business is going to conferences or consuming video or blog content to sharpen your business skills.
27:00 - Jeremy mentions creating and doing content marketing in various forms such as blogs, articles, guest writing is another way to market your product and services. Reuven talks about taking care of your website as a way to develop your business.
29:00 - Jeremy mentions writing proposals and taking on project work as another way to develop your business. Jeremy says even though the tasks is time-consuming it is a great way to gain more work. Reuven mentions listening to podcasts as a way to learn more to develop your business.
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FS 317: Working on Your Business
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