FS 314: Starting Freelancing While Employed
In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, Jeremy and Erik, and discuss “Starting Freelancing While Employed.” The discussion covers important topics on how to properly or successfully moonlight and transition into full-time freelancing while increasing your incoming and clients. This is a great episode on learning the ins and outs of moonlight on the side while maintaining a full-time job.
Show Notes
- Jeremy Green
- Erik Dietrich
In this episode of the Freelancer’s Show, Jeremy and Erik, and discuss “Starting Freelancing While Employed.” The discussion covers important topics on how to properly or successfully moonlight and transition into full-time freelancing while increasing your incoming and clients. This is a great episode on learning the ins and outs of moonlight on the side while maintaining a full-time job.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
1:00 - Erik kicks off the topic about freelancing while you are employed. Erik starts with the questions form a forum form his place of work. Erik talks about the idea of moonlighting
2:00 - Reviewing your employment working about noncompeting work or conflict of interest to avoid restrictions. Jeremy says you should definitely check with the employment agreements. More talks about signing papers on agreements as a freelancer.
5:00 - Jeremy talks about working with clients who want you to sign non-complete work or anything in the industry or nature of the work. Erik about work at Hit Subscribe. Erik shares more about working with the company to reform the agreements.
8:50 - Jeremy and Erik talk about moonlight on the “clock” which is a big issue and non-compliance. Jeremy continues to talk about the issues of doing this under the rader.
10:30 - Erik talks about doing a bad job at your full-time job because of moonlighting. Don’t do it while you are at the office. Erik talks about people at the office who know you are running a side business and how to let it be known properly. Make sure your niche is not conflicting with your employer.
14:00 - Jeremy talks about stealing clients from your employer and how that can cause employment issues within the full-time company. Jeremy talks about transitioning from employment to freelancing.
18:00 - Erik talks about bargaining for perks over salary for time or freedom to freelance with your full-time job.
20:00 - Erik shares about signing with the company or letting your employer know about your freelancing work. This will allow you to do more if it is out in the open on social media and Linkedin. Jeremy talks about this could hinder your freelance marketing.
22:00 - Erik talks about masking your identity with a brand, or working under a brand to keep from your employer from knowing about your side hustle.
24:00 - Erik says if freelancing is going to be serious, then freelancing has to be out in the open with your employers. Erik asks Jeremy about when to know to make the switch to freelancing. Jeremy shares about his strategy and mistakes in making this transition. Jeremy talks about working with loan money to fill that gap and building his business.
28:00 - Erik shares about making his jump from full-time salary to freelancing. Jeremy talks about mistakes in full-time salary and comparing that to freelancing work. How do you adjust the hourly rate or salary? Jeremy says this is selling your night and weekends. Jeremy says you will need to work on your business, not in your business. Jeremy also says you need to make more freelancing.
32:00 - Erik talks about the pricing of service and freelancing work. Jeremy talks about delivering values to the client. Erik talks about experience and moonlighting within the company.
35:00 - Erik talks about how freelancing on the side is going to mean more time working. Do what you need to do side hustling, but don’t make it a problem. Jeremy shares about his agency and how they handled moonlighting within the agency.
40:00 - Erik talks about kind of acting as an agent and bringing in moonlighting work. Erik says this is set up is not very common.
43:00 - Make sure your contractually ready to moonlight and don’t charge too little is the takeaway. Also, have a bailout condition.
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FS 314: Starting Freelancing While Employed
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