Episode 34: TMTC 33 – Corey Haines

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Show Notes

Here's the link to the pledgie where you can help me get to RubyConf.Click here to lend your support to: Send Charles to RubyConf and make a donation at www.pledgie.com !

This week's episode is an interview with Corey Haines. He's pretty well known as the Software Journeyman and his coding tours where he traded time pairing on code for room and board.

You can keep up with him at http://coreyhaines.com.

You can also check out the following links for other things he's doing:

Here's a link to the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto which is tied a lot to the discussion we had on Software Craftsmanship.

Corey mentioned the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
book, which is a mind-blowing set of instruction and exercises for computer programmers.

We also discussed pairing in relation to the code retreats. Corey mentioned the paper by Arlo Belshee called “Promiscuous Pairing and the Beginner's Mind”

You can reach Corey on twitter as @coreyhaines and by email at coreyhaines@gmail.com

Finally, checkout the latest news on the XP Universe conference.

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Episode 34: TMTC 33 – Corey Haines
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