Learning How to Code and Breaking into the Tech Industry with Shaundai Person - She's in Tech 023

In today's episode, Dacey and Maria are joined by guest Shaundai Person. Shaundai is a single mother that taught herself how to code and now works at Netflix! Here are the topics they discussed:

Special Guests: Shaundai Person

Show Notes

In today's episode, Dacey and Maria are joined by guest Shaundai Person. Shaundai is a single mother that taught herself how to code and now works at Netflix! Here are the topics they discussed:
  • How did you get into the tech world?
  • What struggles did you face not having a tech background?
  • What background experience made you ahead of your competition?
  • What advice would you give to new devs?
  • What advice do you have to stand out?
  •  Dacey Nolan
  • Maria Loza
  • Shaundai Person
Special Guest: Shaundai Person.
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Learning How to Code and Breaking into the Tech Industry with Shaundai Person - She's in Tech 023
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