Show Notes
For this episode, Dacey and Susan are joined by guest Priya Krishnakumar. Here are the questions they discussed:
- Tell us about your background and how you got to your current position.
- How has your passion for tech helped you in your current role?
- Can you talk about how data visualization and graphics editing has shaped you to be successful in your role?
- Can you talk about any obstacles that you’ve had to work through?
- I imagine some of the data you look at can be grim, do you have any hobbies to help you feel balanced and get through the content?
- Do you have any tips for women in tech and people who are interested in pursuing type of role?
- Dacey Nolan
- Susan Ma
- Priya Krishnakumar
- Dacey - RISE Brewing Co.
- Priya- Maintenance Phase
- Susan- Vercord Canvas Handbag Organizers
Contact Dacey
Contact Susan
Beyond Tech: Data Graphics in Journalism - She's in Tech 012
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