RUBY 488: The Road to Ruby 3 - Part 1 - Ruby 2.6 to Ruby 2.7

In this episode, John, Luke, and Chuck begin the discussion on Ruby 3.0's release by discussing the differences and enhancements in Ruby 2.7 over version 2.6. Luke leads the charge in providing a list of the differences and the Rogues debate the merits of the various changes in the last minor release of Ruby 2 before releasing Ruby 3.0.

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Show Notes

In this episode, John, Luke, and Chuck begin the discussion on Ruby 3.0's release by discussing the differences and enhancements in Ruby 2.7 over version 2.6. Luke leads the charge in providing a list of the differences and the Rogues debate the merits of the various changes in the last minor release of Ruby 2 before releasing Ruby 3.0.
  • Charles Max Wood
  • John Epperson
  • Luke Stutters
Album Art
RUBY 488: The Road to Ruby 3 - Part 1 - Ruby 2.6 to Ruby 2.7
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