RR 342 Rails, Development, and More with David Heinemeier Hansson
In this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Rails, Development, and More with David Heinemeier Hansson. David is the creator of Ruby on Rails, the founder and CTO of Basecamp, and the hosts of The ReWork Podcast. David Answers a number of questions form the panel about the front-end on Rails, Turbo Link, Stimulus, How does this differ, cheaper labor, better hardware, and much more. This is a great episode to understand the background of Ruby on Rails, Basecamps, and things to come with Ruby.
Special Guests:
David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH)

Show Notes
Charles Max Wood
Dave Kimura
David Richards
Eric Berry
In this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Rails, Development, and More with David Heinemeier Hansson. David is the creator of Ruby on Rails, the founder and CTO of Basecamp, and the hosts of The ReWork Podcast. David Answers a number of questions form the panel about the front-end on Rails, Turbo Link, Stimulus, How does this differ, cheaper labor, better hardware, and much more. This is a great episode to understand the background of Ruby on Rails, Basecamps, and things to come with Ruby.
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- The new book The Com Company
- Where are we going with the front-end on Rails?
- Turbo Links
- Stimulus
- Redux Application
- Productivity
- Do you Stimulus providing enough?
- How does this differ from new things coming out?
- Ruby on Rails will not last…
- Toolkits
- Cheaper hardware
- Basecamp
- Higher cost of programmers
- The Frontier
- C in Java
- Why don’t you hire senior experience?
- Experience and career path
- Remote Work
- Paying developers enough
- Competitive pay
- Switching jobs and values
- What is your vision of where Active Storage is going?
- Cloud Storage
- Action Cable
- What are your thoughts on bitcoin?
- Train wrecks and it will end badly
- How about BlockChain and the web?
- What is your daily driver? Cars? Watches?
- Porche 911
- Celebrating technological heritage
- What is in tech that you are liking?
- VR
- And much much more
- Secret of Luck
- Post - Funding open source
Special Guest: David Heinemeier Hansson.

RR 342 Rails, Development, and More with David Heinemeier Hansson
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